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Common Reasons as to Why a Relationship is Cooling Off


You are in a relationship, and things were going good, but now they are cooling off and you are not sure why.

How do you rekindle that spark? Where did it start to go wrong?

Each relationship is different, but here are some of the most common reasons why a sizzling hot couple may start to fizzle out.

Taking him for granted

Once you start taking something for granted, you are in danger of losing it.

No matter how long a relationship ends up lasting, you should make him feel special and needed.

Do not just assume that since you have been together for a long time that you no longer have to do special little things or even say that you love him.

Everybody needs to be appreciated, if he feels like he is not appreciated, he will leave. Stop assuming that he knows that you love him, or that you are grateful for what he does for you and your household and keep telling him.

Remember when the relationship was new and you would do things just because, like bake him a cake, or his favorite meal?

Why stop doing that? How would you feel if he took you for granted?

The sex factor

If you reject him over and over, or you make love with all of the passion of a robot, you are giving him signals and signs that you do not find him attractive.

That hurry up and get it over with attitude is a sure-fire way to turn a relationship into a broken relationship. If you are busy or tired, find time to still bring back the playful factor.

Sex is a great stress buster, and you enjoyed it once, bring the magic back. Take a night off, just the two of you, go to a hotel if you need to, but find a way to bring the sizzle back to your sex life.

The sweatpants slob

Looks are not everything, but if you really let yourself go, then that may be why he is turning cold.

Everybody should respect and take care of themselves, if you do not respect yourself, why should he.

If he comes home every night to find you in stained sweatpants, eating fast food on the couch, chances are that he will stop coming home.

Nobody wants to come home to a sloppy house and a sloppier girlfriend. You do not have to be perfect and fit, nor do you have to have designer clothes on, but have some pride in yourself and your house. When you lose that pride, you start to lose him.


When you speak to him rudely, you cannot expect him to have any respect for you.

If you push fights, argue at everything, and sling more obscenities than a construction worker slings, you are showing him zero respect.

Same household but separate lives

You used to do things together, do you still? Even if it is an activity that you do not particularly enjoy, if he enjoys it, you should have some interest in it too.

Stop having separate social lives and bring back the compromises so that you each share part of the others interests.

Does he have to schedule an appointment to see you?

Whenever he suggests something fun, just for the two of you, do you find a reason to say no?

Is the most fun you guys have any more consist of sitting on the couch, watching TV?

Find your sense of fun again. After a long day, or a hard week, he wants to release that tension and have something to look forward too, just as you should. Bring back that spontaneous nature that you used to have.

Ultimate Dating Guide for Women: Stop Guessing and Know What Men Really Want and Love

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