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Why the archives of the Urals Cheka of 1918 are not available so far?


Obviously, the most detailed (and probably without distorting the facts) all the circumstances of the murder of Tsar’s family were to be documented in the archives of the Ural’s Cheka of those year. However, these archives (from May to December 1918) are not available till now.

One member of the government commission (who did not agree with official conclusions about the identification of the remains), the well-known scientist, Director of the Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Veniamin Alexeyev in his article «It is too early to put a point in Tsar’s issue» in the interview for newspaper «LG-Ural» reported on his quests of the documents of Ural’s Cheka the following:

«But where are these documents? None of these documents.

– They are not available or do not exist? What do you think?

– V.V.A.: At present there are none, and from this we should proceed. But I do not exclude that this archive exist. I demanded (in the goverment commission) of access to the Cheka’s documents of those time. I was told that it had not survived. … I tried to find these documents of Cheka. The paradox – the documents from May to December 1918 are absent – neither Cheka, nor VCheka or the Politburo. I do not know, whether these documents are destroyed or hidden.»

Access to these documents could not get even the senior investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Vladimir Solovyov, who led a judicial investigation by the «Yekaterinburg remains» from the very beginning (from early 1990s), and he leads the investigation so far. 5 November 2009 on one of the online forums, Vladimir Solovyov, in particular, wrote about the Archives of the Ural Regional Council and the Urals Cheka of those time the following:

«With regard to the archives of the Uraloblsovet and Ural Cheka, today we can not say with certainty, are it survived or not. All attempts to find these archives have not been successful – and such attempts were undertaken yet in the 1920s. My conscience is at peace; I made a serious effort to this search.»

Amazing! Surprisingly the following:

1. There is no doubt that these archives were safely evacuated from Yekaterinburg between 17 and 25 July 1918. It is known that the trains left from Yekaterinburg in those days without problems, and Yakov Yurovsky himself calmly went in train to Moscow with a large luggage (the royal family jewels and documents) – he left Ekaterinburg in a few days after the murder of the royal family. The Bolsheviks and the Ural Cheka had 7—8 days to quietly take out all their archives to Moscow.

2. We know how reliably and passionately there guarded and are guarding communists and especially Cheka to their archives. And the archives of Uraloblsovet and Ural Cheka were lost in Moscow?! It is impossible to believe!

3. Pay attention to the fact that there are inaccessible the archives just of the period from May to December 1918: April 30, Tsar’s family was taken to Yekaterinburg; on July 17, the murder took place; but till December 1918 Cheka continued the searching of the Tsar’s youngest daughter (Anastasia) across all controlled by them Russian lands. – That’s why there are inaccessible the archives of the period from May to December 1918!

Hence the conclusion:

These archives from the very beginning were so secret that till now it is unavailable even for goverment investigators (!). Or these archives were destroyed by the Bolsheviks (KGB) after their arrival in Moscow – because we know (according Soloviev’s words), that yet in the 1920s it was allegedly lost. My version of why these archives could be destroyed or forever classified as top secret, you can read in the section «Why did Stalin in 1928 canceled the anniversary of the execution of Tsar.»

These archives, presumably, contained the information so much divergent from the official version, contained in the so-called «Notes of Yurovsky» that chiefs of security officers found it necessary to destroy or scramble forever all these documents. It is also possible that these archives contained details of such atrocities against the female part of the Tsar’s family (according one of the versions they were exported to Perm) that the current leadership of the FSB and the Kremlin finds it impossible to open these files. It is also possible that the files contain information about the fate of the severed head (after the execution) of Nicholas II, who, according to one version, was preserved in alcohol and taken to Moscow to prove the fact of the execution of Tsar. By the way, in the book of Helium Ryabov about the search history of the remains («How was it. The Romanovs. Hiding bodies, the searching and the consequences», 1998), as I recall, there is a chapter about this severed head, where Ryabov said about his dream: at the beginning of the search, he was summoned to the KGB Chairman Andropov, who pulled out of the safe and showed him alcoholized head of Nicholas II… It is only one not documentary chapter inside the fully documentary book… Ostensibly it was a dream?

The true history of the murder of Russian Tsar’s family is still unknown

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