Читать книгу The true history of the murder of Russian Tsar’s family is still unknown - Борис Романов - Страница 5
Photographer Yurovsky and photo-apparatus Kodak
ОглавлениеTwenty years ago Edvard Radzinsky in his book («Nicholas II. The Life and Death») wrote that Yakov Yurovsky knew the photo-business and loved to photograph – so strange that he did not two photos: a living Tsar’s family (in the basement of the Ipatiev’s house), and second, terrible photos – the corpses of family members… Both photos were needed to Moscow. Photo of alive Tsar’s family was necessary to Lenin for the misinformation of the world community, especially due that since just before the execution (July 16), Lenin assured the correspondent of a Danish newspaper, that the Tsar’s family is alive and safe. Photos of corpses were needed for Yurovsky himself in Moscow, for the upcoming report about the execution…
The evidence was absolutely necessary for the report to Sverdlov. He never did believe anyone on the word, and Yurovsky knew this from previous work with him.
All jewels of Tsar’s family would not could be evidence of the death of all their members. Ural Bolsheviks and their leader Sverdlov were known not only as the most brutal red thugs (yet since 1905), but also as the most stringent and brutal in the relationship between them themselves. They did not trust absolutely no one. We can no doubt that Yurovsky was obliged to present for Sverdlov the solid evidence of killing of all members of the Tsar’s family – photos of corpses.
We also know that in those days Yurovsky has had a photo-apparatus – German camera Kodak – the one that was confiscated during the search of Alexandra Feodorovna 17 (30) April in Ipatiev House – the first day of her arrival there. Radzinsky wrote about this referring to the memories of the commandant Avdeeva (the first commandant of the Ipatiev House). In addition, Radzinsky, made a reference to the entries in the book of the Guard on duty: