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Grateful acknowledgment is made to Emerald City Books—Ian Creeger, in particular—and to the editors of the journals where the following poems or versions of these poems first appeared:

Anglican Theological Review: “At the St. Francis Yacht Club”

Ascent: “Eucharist”

Christianity & Literature: “A Watchman’s Song,” “Philia”

City Works: “Judgment,” “The Good Life According to Architectural Digest”

Connecticut Review: “Instructions, with a Question,” “No Worries,” “50,” “Genuine Replications”

Image: “Common as Air”

Louisville Review: “Anticipating Our Retirement”

Main Street Rag: “So,” “Answer Me,” “Crossing the Williamsburg Bridge”

The Other Journal: “Praise Him”

Rock & Sling: “Enter God,” “The Centerfielder,” “In Heaven”

St Katherine Review: “Off Jake’s Pier” (forthcoming)

Tar River Poetry: “Neighbor as Theologian,” “Waiting”

The following poems appeared in the chapbook Short List of Wonders, selected by Dick Allen as winner of the Sunken Garden Poetry Prize and published in 2005 by the Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT: “Ashere,” “Instructions, with a Question,” “The Wicked Man,” “Shortsighted,” “No Worries,” “Imitatio,” “Joy,” “50,” “Two Ways,” “The Vulture Tree,” “Litany for an Empire,” “Less is More,” “Sing for Joy,” “Better Far,” “Glory,” “Genuine Replications,” “After a Snowfall,” “No Vile Thing,” “Insomniac’s Commission,” “Short List of Wonders,” “Good Things”

“Waiting” was reprinted on the Verse Daily website, 11 May 2006.

“Procession” won the 2009 International Arts Movement poetry prize (Bret Lott, judge)

“Praise Him” was included in the book, “God is Dead” and I Don’t Feel So Good Myself (Cascade Books, 2010)

Finally, I am delighted to acknowledge poet/editor Robert R. McQuilkin, whose small press, Antrim House, published all the poems (or versions of them) in this volume under the four titles Though War Break Out (2005), Song of the Drunkards (2007), No Vile Thing (2008), and Like Those Who Dream (2008). His excitement for and blessing of this iteration of the sequence is deeply satisfying.

Opening King David

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