Читать книгу Right Where We Belong - Brenda Novak - Страница 5


Dear Reader,

Many of my Silver Springs books are based on men who faced extreme difficulty while growing up and were sent to a boys ranch called New Horizons for reformation. Aiyana Turner, who started New Horizons, has dedicated her life to making the ranch’s students whole, and the love she offers has succeeded in many instances.

This story is about Gavin, one of the boys she adopted when he was first sent to her. Gavin’s unique in that he’s been able to overcome his tragic childhood better than the others in the Turner family. Not only is he functional, his unique background has made him sensitive to the needs of those around him. He knows how to help and is willing to do so. That makes him a special hero, which is lucky for the heroine of this story. Savanna Gray is in a world of hurt, and Gavin’s just the man to make life a little easier.

I’ve often been curious about those women who—to their utter shock—find out that their husband is a rapist or a murderer. All the press is dedicated to the crime and the perpetrator. We never get to hear how their families quietly picked up the pieces and moved on—if they were able to do that. This is a romance but also a story about overcoming such a terrible blow.

I spend a lot of time on Facebook interacting with my readers. If you’re on Facebook, too, definitely like my page at www.Facebook.com/brendanovakauthor. Also join my online book group. It consists of 8,000 of the most fabulous bookworms, and we have so many fun things going on (group T-shirts, personalized and autographed bookmarks, monthly “professional reader boxes,” a birthday program, an annual “in person” event, a commemorative pin for anyone who’s read more than fifty Novak novels, and more)! You can find the link to join and learn all about it on my website at www.brendanovak.com.

Here’s hoping you love Gavin and Savanna’s story...

Brenda Novak

Right Where We Belong

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