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Wesleyan University Press, Middletown CT 06459


Introduction and notes copyright © 2001 by Jason Weiss. All writings by Brion Gysin are copyright by Brion Gysin and the Estate of Brion Gysin.

See the Permissions section on pages 353–54 for a complete list.

All rights reserved

Title page photo: Brion Gysin, Paris, 1976. Photo by Ira Cohen.

Printed in the United States of America

Design and composition by Julie Allred, B. Williams & Associates

ISBN for the paperback edition: 978-0-8195-6529-7

Wesleyan University Press is a member of the Green Press Initiative.

The paper used in this book meets their minimum requirement for recycled paper.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Gysin, Brion.

Back in no time : the Brion Gysin reader / edited by Jason Weiss.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

Discography: p.

ISBN 0-8195-6528-8 (alk. paper) —

ISBN 0-8195-6529-6 (pbk. : alk. paper)

I. Weiss, Jason, 1955– II. Title.

PS3557.Y8 A6 2001


5 4 3 2

Cover art: Movies, Brion Gysin, 1961.

Back in No Time

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