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Decomposition of Cellulose.


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—Acids.—Of the de­comp­o­si­tion of cel­lu­lose by artificial means, i.e. by the action of reagents, the most important are those which disclose the relationship which it bears to the group of so-called carbo-hydrates. Cellulose is, indeed, a highly elaborated carbo-hydrate, differing from dextrin and starch, not so much in its essential constitution as in the molecular arrangement which has been impressed upon it in and through the life of the plant. There are numerous observations in biological science which demonstrate the close connection, and in many cases the physiological equivalence of the members of this natural group, which includes the sugars, dextrin, starches, and cellulose. The following facts show the constitutional or chemical ties which underlie their interdependence.

A Text-book of Paper-making

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