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The Human Aura
ОглавлениеPhysicians who are open to psychically derived information consider the concept of subtle energies around living beings known as the “human aura.” Highly intuitive individuals are able to perceive the aura around the physical body, and it often manifests as shell-like layers or bodies. The first layer is termed the “etheric.” The Etheric Body is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body to sustain it and connect it with the higher bodies. Tradition holds that through this particular layer of energy around the body the soul and mind ultimately make contact with the physical body. The term “etheric” derives from the writings of Theosophy founder Madame Helene Blavatsky and was significantly formalized by fellow theosophists C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant. I personally have always “seen” energy around people. It looks like heat waves coming off the body. It is bright white in individuals who appear to be highly spiritually evolved. It looks like a tornado in psychotics with flashes of black, yellow, and red.
Hindu mysticism describes seven major sheaths and subtle bodies around the physical body, much like energetic envelopes. Leadbeater and Besant explained this system in terms of higher and lower astral bodies and higher and lower mental bodies. The second layer outside the body is the Astral or Emotional Body; the third is the Mental Body; the fourth is the Causal Body (abstract mind); and finally the Spiritual Body. Subtle energy manifests in all these bodies from the physical on out.
The American psychic Edgar Cayce considered the aura to be the energy surrounding a living being, essentially the electromagnetic radiation from the individual’s physical and emotional energy. Perhaps Cayce’s most famous statement is, “Mind is the builder.” (2269–1) But he also said that an individual, “. . . builds or retards according to the choices of the ideals.” (2326–1) Thus, the aura is the result of the whole physical/mental/spiritual being. According to Cayce, the aura reflects the character of the individual. Another way of looking at the individual is the relationship of the mind to the soul, but ultimately it is the relationship of the mind, body, and soul to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health balance that influence the aura or energy bodies.
Talented intuitives who see the various and sundry colors in the energy surrounding the human body associate these colors with various mental thoughts or emotions. Emotions are actually physical feelings that result from mental beliefs. Thus, unusual colors and activity observed in the aura are interpreted as healthy or unhealthy. When I see what appears to be heat waves rising off the body; most of the time I see only a couple of inches of energy with some slight movement. Sometimes, however, it is very narrow and gray or dark and I associate that primarily with low life forces, depression, or focal disease. Occasionally I see splotches of black or brown, which I also associate with disease. Very rarely, I see lighter colors such as pink, violet, or green, and I cannot unequivocally determine what these mean.