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Nutrition and Energy Medicine


Obviously, many aspects of nutrition are a major part of Energy Medicine. There are certain nutrients, without which we cannot live healthily. These include all of the B vitamins, at least the carotenoids of the vitamin A family, vitamin E, vitamin D3, a variety of minerals ranging from lithium to calcium to magnesium, boron and iodine, among others; and, of course, the essential amino acids:

• Arginine

• Isoleucine

• Histidine

• Leucine

• Methionine

• Lysine

• Phenylalanine

• Tryptophan

• Threonine

• Valine

This list should almost certainly include Taurine. A deficiency of any one of these can cause remarkable symptoms and even ultimately death.

I must admit that there is one particular nutritional approach that I consider perhaps the single most important of all energetic approaches. That is intravenous vitamin C. For over thirty years, I have used large doses of vitamin C, ranging from 50 to 125 grams of vitamin C in a mixture with magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, vitamin B12, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B complex, and dexpanthenol. Thirty years ago I treated one of the first cancer patients with this approach, giving him just ten of these intravenous maximum doses of vitamin C in the Myers Cocktail. A bladder cancer the size of an orange disappeared within two weeks. I have done the same in people with excruciating pain from metastatic cancer. It may not turn them around if they are at the terminal stage, but at least they can be made comfortable by a steady drip of this solution, perhaps three bottles per day, with virtually complete relief of pain. At least they don’t have to be completely sedated with narcotics and sedatives. I consider this an unequivocal major adjunct to any treatment of cancer.

Energy Medicine

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