Читать книгу Energy Medicine - C. Norman Shealy - Страница 33
The Ring Patterns
ОглавлениеIn addition to the traditional meridians, I have personally demonstrated unequivocally that there are certain specific circuits in the body that I call Rings. (See Rings illustrations, pages 32–36.)
The Ring of Fire, when stimulated, not only raises DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone—sometimes called the “mother” hormone and the most abundant hormone in the body). It represents your total adrenal stress reserves and is strongly associated with total immunity. It is low or deficient in every disease. Stimulation of the Ring of Fire has been demonstrated clinically to reduce migraine headaches significantly in 75 percent of patients; to reduce pain in diabetic neuropathy in 80 percent of patients; to improve depression in 70 percent of patients; and to improve, quite strikingly, not only the pain but the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis in 70 percent of patients who have failed conventional medicine. The Ring of Fire consists of twelve specific points.
The Ring of Water consists of thirteen specific points which, when stimulated, normalize the production of aldosterone, an adrenal hormone that balances water and potassium. Used with the Ring of Fire, it helps weight loss.
The Ring of Air consists of thirteen different points which, when stimulated, strikingly increases the output of neurotensin, a naturally occurring pain reliever, as well as neuroleptic. A neuroleptic is a chemical which essentially sedates the body and calms and focuses the mind.
The Ring of Earth is a different circuit of thirteen specific points which, when stimulated, markedly increases calcitonin, a hormone produced by the thyroid gland and which is responsible for putting calcium into the bone and preventing osteoporosis. It also is the strongest pain reliever produced by the body. It is forty to sixty times stronger than morphine.
The Ring of Crystal consists of another thirteen points which, when stimulated, reduce free radical production by 85 percent. Free radicals are the negative chemicals in the body which actually destroy cell walls and are part of all disease, as well as degeneration and aging. (See more about the Rings in Chapter 8.)
Numerous other studies on acupuncture have identified changes in other hormones, including cortisol, which is essential for life itself and is a regulator of immune function.
Although acupuncture has traditionally been done with needles, in 1967 I began stimulating acupuncture needles electrically at one to 100 cycles/second.” Interestingly, when the first Chinese physicians came to this country after the thaw with China in 1972, I learned that they had also started using electrical stimulation of the acupuncture needles in 1967. The Ukrainian physicists and physicians have reported using electrical stimulation at a billionth of a watt per cm squared through a one millimeter blunt probe, applied directly to the skin at 54 to 78 billion cycles per second (Giga frequencies). According to them, this is twenty times more effective than putting in a needle and stimulating it electrically with low frequencies up to 100 cycles/second. Actually most acupuncturists use only 1 to 5 cycles per second for electrical stimulation.
There seems to be no question that one can effectively activate or stimulate acupuncture points using massage and tapping (to be discussed in the chapter on Energy Psychology). Meanwhile, at the Holos University Graduate Seminary I have conducted classes in which students had half the group stimulate with the Giga frequencies and half do massage and visualization of the same stimulation of the Ring of Crystal. I found that the students reduced free radicals just as much with massaging, tapping, and visualizing the Ring of Crystal as they could using the Giga frequencies to stimulate this particular circuit. The acupuncture meridians, as seen in ancient acupuncture sketches (see page 29), are quite different from the Ayurvedic nadis of the pranic philosophy and clearly have been proven to have very specific physiological and symptomatic benefits.
Interestingly, there is a wonderful book, Esoteric Acupuncture: Gateway to Expanded Healing by Mikio Sankey, Ph.D., which incorporates traditional acupuncture theory along with the Hindu chakra system, sacred geometry, and the Judeo-Christian Tree of Life. The primary focus of esoteric acupuncture is the balance of chi within the various body systems, balancing the chakras, and establishing a strong and harmonious system with the higher spiritual realms. Dr. Sankey believes there is a common thread between the Chinese medical system, the Hindu chakra system, Theosophy, and Eastern philosophy, and focuses on the correction of energetic imbalances by working with the seven physical body chakras. Through acupuncture patterns (called harmonizing patterns), chakra alignment patterns, and new encoding patterns, the encoding concept utilizes “stored intelligence on the cellular/noncellular level.” Sankey states that imbalances in the chakras reflect a number of imbalances in the body and life in general. (Incidentally, his associations are similar to those that Caroline Myss and I use.) We identify the chakra-associated problems as follows:
Root Chakra: rectum problems, constipation, hemorrhoids, day-to-day survival issues, excessive family attachments, leg problems
Sacral Chakra: sexual, bladder, uterine, prostate, low back problems, finances, pelvic, and colon problems
Solar Plexus Chakra: digestive, liver, pancreas, small intestine, kidney, adrenal problems, and self-esteem issues
Heart Chakra: immune deficiency (thymus), heart, lung and breast problems, judgmentalism, love problems
Throat Chakra: throat, mouth, thyroid, parathyroid, ear, neck and arm/ hand problems; problems with expressing personal will, needs, or desires
Crown Chakra: headaches, mental disorders, brain/mind problems, epilepsy, paralysis from brain injuries
Dr. Sankey has developed patterns of acupuncture needling for balancing each of these chakras, and this is one of the most fascinating evolutions of this ancient treatment process.