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Pranic Healing


Pranic healing begins with an individual mastering control of breath, prana (life energy or life force), as well as various physiological and physical aspects of life. Those who have consistently practiced pranayama can direct their prana across distances to aid in the healing of various diseases. An accomplished practitioner of pranayama is never depleted by distributing prana because the more you breathe prana in and out, the more will flow to you from the cosmic source. If one imagines that cosmic energy is flowing into you through your breath and flowing down your arms, it can be directed out your hands toward another individual. Pranic healing in this form also includes speaking to the cells of the body, such as, “I command you to flow to heal my friend.” You may also repeat AUM while you are passing prana to others. The more you practice with your control of breath, control of posture, control of mind, and concentration, the greater is your ability to practice pranic healing and to direct prana consciously to unhealthy parts of the bodies of others and to your own body as well. To perform distance healing, one must feel a rapport and direct relationship with the other person. Ideally, you might arrange with that individual to have distance healing done at a specific time.

Practitioners and most specialists in the field of pranayama recommend practicing it early in the morning, shortly after arising (preferably at 4 A.M.!).

To a greater or lesser extent, pranic healing is no different from other forms of spiritual healing, including Reiki and variations such as quantum healing, quantum touch, and therapeutic touch. Basically, it is learning to focus one’s mind and to direct one’s intent to assist in healing, through time and space and through direct or indirect “touching” of another person’s body.

Energy Medicine

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