Читать книгу Tent Work in Palestine: A Record of Discovery and Adventure - C. R. Conder - Страница 3



Table of Contents

THE Survey of Western Palestine was commenced under Captain Stewart, R.E., in January, 1872. Ill-health obliged that officer to return almost immediately. Lieutenant Conder, R.E., was appointed to the command, and arrived in Palestine in the summer of the same year. The work meantime had been conducted under the charge of the late Mr. C. F. Tyrwhitt Drake.

Lieutenant Conder returned to England in October, 1875, having surveyed 4700 square miles.

The remaining 1300 square miles of the Survey were finished by Lieutenant Kitchener in 1877.

The present volume contains Lieutenant Conder’s personal history of his work, without specially entering on the scientific results. These will be published with the great map in the form of memoirs, twenty-six in number, one to every sheet.

Lieutenant Conder’s conclusions and proposed identifications are, it will be understood, his own. The Committee do not, collectively, adopt the conclusions of any of their officers.

Tent Work in Palestine: A Record of Discovery and Adventure

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