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Hou Ma Ren HEMP
Huo Ma Ren comes into the category of Descending Downward: it facilitates the expulsion of the stool in cases of constipation. Huo Ma Ren is ungerminated cannabis seeds, but does not have the effects that smoking cannabis leaves or resin has.
Huo Ma Ren is a moist laxative and therefore works gently by lubricating the Intestines. As it is mild in nature it is suitable for debilitated patients, the elderly, and those who are weakened by a febrile (feverish) disease or after childbirth. Also, as it is moistening, it is good for Blood Deficiency and general lack of fluids. One would often add Blood-nourishing herbs, such as Shu di Huang and Dang Gui for constipation due to Blood Deficiency, as in the elderly.
PROPERTIES Sweet, Neutral
CHANNELS Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach
Nourishes and moistens the Intestines: as it does not have a harsh effect, it is most suitable for constipation in the weak and elderly.
Nourishes the yin: it mildly tonifies the yin and can be used in cases of Yin Deficiency with constipation. The yin is often depleted during a long illness like ME (or post-viral syndrome); also commonly in the elderly.
Clears Heat and promotes healing of sores: use as an auxiliary herb for sores and ulcerations, taken orally or applied topically (locally).
Long-term use may possibly result in vaginal discharge. Overdose may lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.