Читать книгу Body of Victim, Body of Warrior - Cabeiri deBergh Robinson - Страница 8



AJKAzad Jammu and Kashmir
AJKMCAll Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference
AJKNCAll Jammu and Kashmir National Conference
APHCAll Party Hurriyat Conference
BSF(Indian) Border Security Force
IDPInternally Displaced Person
ICRCInternational Committee of the Red Cross
INGOInternational Non-Governmental Organization
IROInternational Refugees Organization
ISI(Pakistani) Inter-Services Intelligence
JKLFJammu and Kashmir Liberation Front
KRCRCKashmir Refugees Central Relief Committee
LoCLine of Control
MAJMuhammad Ali Jinnah Papers (National Archives of Pakistan)
MFJMohtarmah Fatima Jinnah Papers (National Archives)
MI(Pakistani) Military Intelligence
MKAMinistry of Kashmir Affairs
NAPNational Archives of Pakistan
NWFPNorth West Frontier Provinces
PMLWCPunjab Muslim League Women’s Committee
QARFQuaid-i-Azam Relief Fund
RAW(Indian) Research Analysis Wing
UJCUnited Jihad Council
UNUnited Nations
UNACUnited Nations Appeal for Children
UNCIPUnited Nations Commission on India and Pakistan
UNHCRUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEFUnited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
WRCWomen’s Relief Committee
Body of Victim, Body of Warrior

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