Читать книгу The Cop, the Puppy and Me - Cara Colter - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

I am a technophobe. My six-year-old grandson shows me how to use our DVD player. Smartphones make me cringe. I finally have a cellphone, but my message says, ‘Don’t leave a message.’ It’s not because I’m unfriendly! It’s because I leave the phone for days at a time, gathering dust in a corner.

I don’t text or Twitter. My website became glitchy months ago, meaning I can’t update it and I don’t get mail from you. The designer has gone AWOL and I don’t have a clue what to do next!

Imagine my surprise when I discovered I love Facebook. It’s such an immediate, simple and lovely way of having contact with you! Readers helped me name the hero and his two nephews in this story. So please come and join the fun. You can find me at Cara Colter, Author. I can’t wait to hear from you!

With warmest wishes,


The Cop, the Puppy and Me

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