Читать книгу The Art of War in 19th Century - Carl von Clausewitz - Страница 34



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When you have resolved to fight a battle, collect your whole force. Dispense with nothing. A single battalion sometimes decides the day.


I think it here desirable to observe, that it is prudent before a battle to fix upon some point in rear of the reserve for the junction of the different detachments; for if, from unforeseen circumstances, these detachments should be prevented from joining before the action has commenced, they might be exposed, in case a retrograde movement should be found necessary, to the masses of the enemy. It is desirable also to keep the enemy in ignorance of these reinforcements, in order to employ them with greater effect. “A seasonable reinforcement,” says Frederick, “renders the success of a battle certain, because the enemy will always imagine it stronger than it really is, and lose courage accordingly.”

The Art of War in 19th Century

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