Читать книгу Unlocking Your Intuition - Carol Ann Liaros - Страница 11

Suggestions When Visiting a Psychic


• Every person has his or her own area of expertise. If possible, find out if it is relationships, precognition, retrocognition, locating lost objects, etc. What are your needs?

• Make a list of questions to cover everything you want to know. Some people are nervous or intrigued with information the psychic gives them and may leave with questions unanswered.

• Be prepared: If the psychic does psychometry, have all of your objects ready. Follow the instructions of the psychic. Allow the reader to proceed in his or her own manner. Record the reading. Sometimes we hear what we want to hear, not what was said. Also, you can check the accuracy of the psychic to discover what areas he or she has been most accurate for you. (Be concerned if the person will not allow taping.)

• Do not send telepathic messages. You will not want your fears/guesses/wishes fed back to you.

• Be courteous, even if you are a skeptic. The individual deserves to be treated with consideration. As the psychic is concentrating, do not rattle papers, smoke, squirm in your seat, interrupt, or display other distracting behaviors.

• Do not press for information. The psychic will give you everything he or she receives. A good reading is designed to help you cope with your life.

• Be discerning. Not critical.

• Keep an open mind—but not a sieve!

• Remember the percentage of accuracy varies with each psychic. Get the perspective of friends whose judgment you trust to review the reading with you. Sometimes our blind spots interfere with our evaluation!

• Inaccuracies can occur in readings if the psychic is reading your mind (telepathy) or misinterpreting information he or she receives. It can be a good idea to ask how the person receives the information. You may recognize the information while he or she may be interpreting from his or her own experiences. Be willing to verify.

• After the reading is completed, share the information that you can verify. Psychics are human and feedback can be very helpful for them. If the psychic makes predictions, it would be very thoughtful to write and let the person know the outcome.

• Do not try to prolong the reading beyond the agreed-upon time limit.

• Do not expect the psychic to remember your reading—and maybe even you!

Unlocking Your Intuition

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