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In the UK, it is traditional to have a rich fruitcake for Christmas. The dried fruits should be soaked overnight in brandy or fruit juice before cooking so that they’re plump and moist. The cake should be made in October to allow it time to mature and for the flavors to develop… In the real world, even if you just threw this cake together on Christmas Eve with fruit straight out of a packet, you should still end up with a cake that is tasty and moist plus a house full of spicy Christmas aromas.

1 Line both the inside and outside of your cake pan. (See page 14 for how to do this)

2 Pre-heat the oven to 300˚F (150˚C)

3 Beat the butter and sugar together until they are soft and creamy. Then beat in the eggs one at a time.

4 Sift the flour and spices into the bowl and gently stir them. Stir in the ground almonds. If you are using a mixer, use the slowest speed. If you’re mixing by hand use a metal spoon.

5 Stir the lemon zest and slivered almonds into the soaked dried fruit. Tip the fruits into the cake batter and stir in by hand.

6 Close your eyes and make a wish.

7 Spoon the mixture into the prepared pan and gently smooth the top.

8 Place the disc of waxed paper with the hole cut out on the top of the mixture. Don’t press, just let it lie on top.

9 Place the cake in the center of the pre-heated oven and bake. Remove the paper off the top about 15 minutes before it’s due to be done. Lightly prod the top of the cake, if it feels very soft and you can still hear a lot of bubbling it is not cooked. If it looks done and feels firm to the touch and is silent, insert a skewer or sharp knife. If it comes out clean–the cake is cooked. If it’s not, give it another 15 minutes of cooking and test again. All ovens vary so don’t panic if yours cooks in a shorter/longer time than that suggested.

10 Allow the cake to cool completely in the pan before turning out.

Holiday Cakes and Cupcakes

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