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SAM STOOD NEXT to Dr. Chang as she scrubbed in. He was annoyed that he wasn’t going to be allowed into the OR while they delivered Ms. Bayberry’s twins.

“There will be too many people in there. It’s a delicate surgery, and we have Neonatology, Pediatrics and OB/GYN. You can watch from the gallery, like the other residents.”

That command had come down from Professor Langley, but he didn’t actually have the guts to come down and tell him in person. He’d sent his lackey to tell him. Langley never really dealt with him. He always seemed to avoid him.

He must feel guilty and that pleased Sam to no end.

Good. Langley’s affair with his mother had torn his family apart. Crushed his father. It was best Langley keep his distance from him.

“You’re scowling,” Dr. Chang remarked, as she scrubbed her arms and hands.

“I think I should be in there. I was on this case since day one,” Sam snapped.

“Professor Langley has a point. There will be a lot of people in there.”

“I calmed the patient.”

“Yes, when her husband was absent, and she’ll be under general anesthesia again. This is a delicate procedure. We can’t have the cords continue to tangle. If they tangle before the babies are ready to be born, it could kill both of them.”

Sam grunted in response. He got that, but he still wanted to be in there. Mono-amniotic twins was such a rare occurrence he doubted he’d ever get to see another case like this in the near future. In fact, it was Dr. Chang’s first time to see such a case. Even she’d never seen mono-amniotic twins.

And it wasn’t just the rarity of the case he was moaning about. He cared for the patient. Linda Bayberry and her husband Frank were two of the nicest native New Yorkers he’d ever met, besides Enzo’s family, though he wouldn’t let anyone else know that.

He’d been following the case since day one and he wanted to see it through. He wanted to make sure those babies were okay.

“I heard from your mother today,” Dr. Chang said, with a note of derision in her tone.

Oh, bloody hell.

“Aye, and what did she want?” His brogue was slipping out in his annoyance.

Dr. Chang smiled at him. “Oh, she wanted to tell me that I’m wasting her son’s talent and surgical skill by having him work in OB/GYN. She didn’t pay for your education and pull strings for you to be delivering babies like some glorified midwife.”

Sam cursed under his breath. “And what would she know about that? I’m sorry she laid into you like that, Dr. Chang. I hope you know that I don’t think that way.”

Dr. Chang shook off her hands. “I know and I know your mother.”

“What did you say to her?”

“Nothing. I hung up on her.” There was an evil grin on Dr. Chang’s face as she walked into the OR.

Sam chuckled to himself. He was glad that Dr. Chang didn’t put up with his mother’s ridiculous behavior. He was also angry that his mother had done that. She was bound and determined to ruin his career as a pediatric surgeon.

His mother wouldn’t be happy unless he was a bloody neurosurgeon. Not that there was anything wrong with neurosurgeons. On the contrary, he respected many of them—the brain was a delicate organ.

It took such precision to operate on it and the nervous system, but was it any more difficult or delicate than when you were dealing with a heart no bigger than a grape or veins the size of a human hair?

No. It wasn’t, but then kids had never really mattered to his mother.

Sam knew all about that.

Disgusted with her behavior, he headed up to the gallery and pushed his way to the front through the throng of eager observers so he could watch Mindy in action.

He was surprised that none of his other roommates were in the room, but they were probably off doing surgeries, while he was stuck up in the gallery like a first-year intern. Observing, rather than helping.

“Did you hear that Dr. Monica Hanley is coming to West Manhattan Saints?”

“No, I hadn’t. Get out of town. The Dr. Hanley is coming here. When?”

Sam perked up at the mention of his mother’s name and when he glanced around he could see it was two young interns on the other side of the gallery who were talking about it.

“She’s coming in a couple of weeks. Apparently there’s a kid with some kind of inoperable brain tumor, but she’s going to be testing her new surgical procedure to remove the tumor and she’s going to do her groundbreaking surgery here.”

“That’s amazing.”

Sam groaned inwardly.

Great. Just what he needed to hear. His mother was coming to West Manhattan Saints to flaunt neurosurgery in his face once again and he was ticked off. Why did she have to come here to do the surgery? Why hadn’t Dr. Chang told him his mother was coming? Did Dr. Chang even know? Perhaps she didn’t as she’d hung up on her.

Even then, he wouldn’t put it past his mother to go over the head of the Pediatrics attending to Professor Langley to get permission to do the surgery here.

Why here?

“I hear her son works at West Manhattan Saints and that’s why she’s coming.” This was said in a hushed undertone.

“Her son? She has a son and he works here? Who is he?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure he’s going to get picked to assist. I mean, come on, the son of Dr. Hanley. I’m sure she pulled strings to get him into the program. He’s probably riding on her coattails and doesn’t have to lift a finger. Just has all the most awesome surgeries handed to him.”

“I hate him on principle,” the other intern griped.

Sam’s stomach knotted, his worst fears about being his mother’s son realized. It was a good thing they had different surnames. This was why he didn’t want people to know who his mother was. They would stop looking at him as a surgeon and only see him as someone who’d got to where he was because of his mother.

He wanted to get up and leave, or confront the two gossiping fools as they continued to gossip about Dr. Hanley’s son and how crummy a surgeon he was, but instead he blocked them out. He was safe behind his walls.

Sam was here to learn. He was here to observe a once-in-a-lifetime surgery. He was here to advance his career because he was a surgeon. A good surgeon.

He knew one thing—he was not going to be around when his mother was here. He wasn’t going to allow that can of worms to taint his surgical career in the hospital where he planned to spend many years becoming one of the best pediatric surgeons. If she was going to be here, he wasn’t.

Mindy was still on a high after safely delivering the mono-amniotic twins. This was her third delivery of mono-amniotic twins and thankfully the second successful delivery. In the first year of her fellowship Dr. Guild had delivered a pair, but sadly the cord restriction had been so bad that one twin hadn’t made it.

It had crushed Mindy, breaking her heart. She’d almost walked away from maternal-fetal medicine. Who needed that kind of heartbreak every day? But Dr. Guild had talked some sense into her.

“Next time we catch it sooner. Next time we perfect the skill, so that next time we save a life before the life needs to be saved.”

Mindy hadn’t been able to walk away from her specialty then. She’d thrown herself into it, because the more she’d learned, the better she’d got and the more lives she’d saved.

Life was short sometimes and it sucked, but that’s what drove Mindy to rise above that. To find another way to save more lives.

It’s why she had one of the lowest mortality rates for a surgeon who was so young.

Saving lives. Precious lives.

“I saw Dr. Napier scowling in the gallery. I’m surprised you didn’t have him in the OR with you, Dr. Chang,” Mindy remarked as they scrubbed out. The neonatologists had whisked the babies off to the NICU in stable condition and Mindy had finished with Ms. Bayberry and she was in Recovery and stable as well.

Dr. Chang had stayed until the end, asking questions about the procedure.

Dr. Guild had always said it was a mark of a good surgeon to never stop learning and Mindy was a big believer in the Socratic method of teaching. Even if she was teaching a world-renowned and respected pediatric surgeon such as Dr. Amelia Chang.

“Professor Langley didn’t want him in the OR, so I told him that there were too many people in the OR.”

Mindy was confused. “Why would he not want Dr. Napier in the OR?”

Dr. Chang snorted. “Probably because Dr. Napier’s mother complained to him about how many hours her son was getting in OB/GYN, seeing how she finds both our practices of medicine to be a waste of talent.”

“Who is his mother?”

“Another surgeon. He doesn’t like to say and I’m not in a position to divulge her name. Dr. Napier is pretty private.”

“I get that. We all have secrets.”

Dr. Chang cocked an eyebrow. “Yes.”

“Does his mother have the same last name?”

“No, he has his father’s name. His parents were married for a short while. I knew Dr. Napier’s mother when she married Frasier Napier. I really liked Dr. Napier’s father, never cared for his mother too much.”

“I don’t blame you. She sounds like a real…”

“Pain?” Dr. Chang laughed. “Yeah, she is.”

“I’m surprised that Dr. Napier never told me who his mother is.”

“Now, that you’ll have to ask Dr. Napier about. I doubt you’ll get any answers from him, though. He’s a private person. I don’t even know why he keeps it to himself, but I respect his wishes.” Dr. Chang finished scrubbing up and then left the scrub room, tossing her surgical cap in a receptacle on the way out.

Mindy finished her scrubbing and headed out too.

There were many more layers to Dr. Samuel Napier than met the eye. In the course of her career she’d met other physicians who’d had famous parents in the medical field and they had been quite proud to boast about that. Yet Sam didn’t really talk about his mother much. He’d mentioned his father and family in Scotland with fondness, but nothing about his mother.

Don’t pry.

She didn’t want people to know about her humiliation in California.

That was her business and apparently Sam wanted to keep his secret about his mother private too and she respected that.

Besides, who was she to go prying? She was just an attending at the hospital he worked at and she was just someone he’d slept with once.

They weren’t friends; they were no longer lovers. If he’d wanted to tell her about his mother, he would’ve.

Mindy scrubbed her hand over her face and headed toward her office, where she could dictate a report of the successful delivery of Ms. Bayberry’s mono-amniotic twins while it was still fresh in her mind.

As she passed the skills lab, she could see someone hunched over a simulated womb, trying to insert a needle through to the fetus. Of course he was failing, because the sensors were going off and Sam was cursing in a very thick Scottish brogue.

Just leave him.

Only she couldn’t. She was his teacher after all.

“Bloody hell.”

“Is something wrong?” Mindy asked, as she shut the door to the skills lab behind her.

Sam glanced up. “Sorry, Dr. Walker. Did you need the skills lab?”

“No, no. I just happened to be walking by after Ms. Bayberry’s surgery and saw you in here. Is everything okay? You didn’t stay for the whole surgery.”

“I’m fine. Once I saw the twins were going to make it, I left. My shift was over.”

“Why didn’t you go home?”

Sam shrugged. “It’s lonely at home and I thought I would practice some other skills.”

Mindy nodded and headed over to him. “Is there a particular reason you’re cursing at this simulation?”

“Just a wee bit frustrated.”

“Here, I can help.” Mindy placed her hand over his and then paused, removing her hand. “How about I show you?”

“Aye, that would be good.” Sam handed her the catheter and needle and stood, moving out of the way so she had access to the simulation on the table.

Once again Mindy was very aware that Sam was standing very close to her. Why did she keep putting herself in the way of temptation?

Because you’re weak.

“It requires a certain bit of skill to do this. The womb is strong but fragile, as is the life it holds inside. Are you watching?”

“Aye.” Sam leaned in closer.

“Good.” Mindy cleared her throat and then proceeded to show Sam how to do the procedure. “Keep your hands steady but firm. One wrong move…”

“I know. Can you do that again?” he asked.

“Of course.” She removed the needle and reset the simulation. As she prepared to show him again, his hands slipped over hers, causing a zing of excitement to course through her as she recalled the way those strong hands had felt on her body, in her hair. “What’re you doing?”

“I want to feel. Do you mind?”


“No.” Mindy’s voice caught in her throat as the words came out. “Not at all.”

His touch made her tremble slightly but she regained control of herself. The last thing she wanted to do was mess up the procedure or let Sam know how he affected her.

“Amazing,” Sam whispered, his hot breath fanning her neck, causing gooseflesh to break out on her skin and down her back.

“It is. Do you want to try again?”

“Yes.” He moved away from her and she got up. Sam took her place and she reset the simulation.

“You can do it.” Mindy stood back and watched the monitors as Sam expertly copied the procedure. “See, I knew you could do it.”

Sam nodded. “Thanks for your help, Mindy.”

She frowned. “I don’t think—”

“I know. You don’t think I should be using your first name, but in the last month you’re the person I’ve talked to most and I believe I am your only friend in New York.”

“We’re friends?” Mindy asked.

Sam smiled, his blue eyes twinkling. “I’d like to think so. We can be friends, can’t we? Coworkers can be friends. Just as long as you don’t show me favoritism, we’re okay.”

Mindy chuckled. “Yeah, I think we can be friends, Dr. Napier.”


“Sam.” It felt right to say it again, but also wrong. She couldn’t let him in. She was afraid.

“I’d just ask when we’re on duty for you to call me Dr. Napier. The whole favoritism thing.”

“That really bothers you.”

“What does?” he asked.

“People thinking you’re getting preferential treatment.”

“Aye. It does.”

“I know it does. Your accent thickens.”

He grinned. “You are getting to know me well.”

I tried not to. Only she didn’t say that thought out loud.

“Well, that’s what friends are for. Though I’m surprised you don’t have many friends who are residents.”

“I do, but they’re not in my specialty and some have moved away.”

“Oh, really? I never see them around.”

Sam shrugged. “They’re all busy with their own lives. I live with several of them in Brooklyn. I see them when I head back to my flat.”

“I’m surprised you leave the hospital. I swear you live here.”

“I could say the same for you, except I have seen your apartment.” Then he frowned. “Sorry, Mindy. I didn’t mean…”

Heat flushed her cheeks at the reminder that he’d been to her place. Slept in her bed…well, not exactly slept in her bed.

“I’ve been busy here. Consults, surgeries. I can’t really set my own hours, like I did in my private practice.”

Sam nodded. “When are you off next?”


“Me too.” Sam stood. “As a thank-you for helping me in the simulation lab I’d like to take you on a little tourist jaunt of New York City.”

“A jaunt?” She asked. “Why?”

“You say that like I’m offering you a big bowl of the plague or something.”

“I don’t do jaunts,” Mindy said.

“Oh, come on. Who doesn’t do jaunts?”

“Me.” Mindy chuckled.

“Well, you’re going to go on one tomorrow,” Sam said with finality.

“Fine. So where will this jaunt take us?”

“Have you seen all the touristy sights yet?”

“No. I haven’t had time.”

“Then it’s settled. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at nine a.m. sharp and we’ll see all the sights of New York City.”

“What? It’s the middle of winter. It’s cold out there.”

Sam chuckled and headed toward the lab door. “I won’t take no for an answer. You can dress in layers to fend off the cold, like any good New Yorker would do. Besides, it’s time to get you got acclimatized to the cold weather if you aim to remain in New York.”

Mindy scowled. “What if I don’t come downstairs at nine a.m.?”

“Then you’ll leave me standing in the cold in front of your apartment, shouting your name.”

Mindy gasped. “You wouldn’t do that.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, wouldn’t I?”

“I wouldn’t hear you high up in my penthouse.”

“I don’t care. I’ll still do it.”

“Fine,” Mindy agreed grudgingly. “I’ll dress in layers, but you’d better take me to all the really famous landmarks. Not the landmarks a native New Yorker thinks are famous. Like some weird house or building that was in some obscure movie in the eighties.”

He laughed. “Agreed. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

Mindy’s heart skipped a beat as he left the simulation lab, whistling something. What had she just done? This was not keeping her distance. This was the opposite.

She tried to tell herself that they were just friends. That this outing would be innocent. Nothing had to happen. Nothing needed to be said. They were just friends.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Hot Docs On Call: Surgeon's Seduction

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