Читать книгу Hot Docs On Call: Surgeon's Seduction - Carol Marinelli - Страница 16



I HOPE HE’S not down there, shouting.

Mindy was running late, though only by about five minutes. Still, she darted from the elevator and past the doorman out onto the street. She was terrified that Sam was going to make good on his promise and begin to shout her name.

When she rushed outside he was standing in front of her building, his hands deep in a black peacoat, looking up toward the sky. Then he looked at her and grinned, that cocky, devilish smile that made her weak in the knees.

“I thought you’d be out here, screaming my name,” Mindy said as she walked over to him.

“Well, I was contemplating it but I remembered that your place is a penthouse and that’s a bloody tall building.”

Mindy chuckled. “It’s the best.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “You really think so? I prefer the brownstone myself. That’s why I live in one.”

“I thought you lived in an apartment with a bunch of other residents?”

“Aye, but the flats are in a brownstone. It’s kind of just a bedroom really. Though one of my roommates moved in with her boyfriend recently.”

“You live with girls. Why does that not surprise me?” she teased.

“There is one other man in the house.”

“Sure, sure.”

“There is. I don’t know why you don’t believe me. What have I got to hide?”

“A harem.”

Sam snorted. “Oh, aye, a harem of surgical residents.”

Mindy rolled her eyes and then laughed. “So, what do you have planned for us today since you were so insistent that I spend my day off touring New York City in the freezing cold temperatures.”

“This isn’t cold.”

“It is when you’re from California.”

“Aye, well. Yes, I guess so.”

“How do the Scots keep warm? Especially when wearing kilts?”

Sam groaned. “I’m not wearing a kilt. Why are you bringing up kilts now?”

“Because you’re making fun of the fact that I’m from California and I hate the cold.”

“I had porridge this morning.”

Mindy wrinkled his nose. “Ugh.”

“It keeps you warm. It’s hearty.”

“No, thanks,” Mindy said.

“You need to toughen up, Mindy.” Then he slipped his arm through hers. “And we’ll start by dragging you out on a ferry to visit one of my favorite ladies.”

“You told me that we were going to see traditional tourist attractions. I don’t want to visit one of your girlfriends on some obscure island.”

He looked at her like she was crazy. “I was talking about the Statue of Liberty, you daft hen.”

She glared at him.

“What’s that look for?” he asked.

“For calling me a daft hen!”

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, well, that’s okay.”

Sam chuckled as they walked toward the subway station. “You were a wee bit jealous when you thought I was going to drag you to meet a girlfriend.”


“Aye, you were.” His eyes were twinkling. “Admit it.”

“I’m not going to admit to anything and you can’t make me. So how are we going to get to the Statue of Liberty?” she asked, changing the subject of jealously and girlfriends, because he was right, the thought of him with another woman drove her a bit bonkers. It made her see green, though it shouldn’t. She didn’t have a claim on him.

“We’re going to take the Number One train down to the South Ferry Station.”

Mindy dug in her heels. “We’re taking the subway?”

“What’re you worrying about? There’s nothing wrong with taking the subway.”

“I’ve never taken public transportation before.”


She shook her head. “In Los Angeles it wasn’t safe.”

“Well, it would take you all day in this kind of traffic to get down to the South Ferry Station and even then it would be almost impossible and probably expensive to find parking. I also don’t have a car. Do you?”

“No. I’ve been meaning to go and look…”

Sam tsked under his breath. “Trust me. Don’t waste your money. If you want to leave the city for some reason, rent a car. Trust me, the subway train will not bite you.”

He took her gloved hand and squeezed it. “Do you trust me?” he asked.

“I have no choice.”

Sam laughed. “Aye, that’s true. Come on. I swear it will be fun.”

Mindy let him lead her down the steps of the Eighty-Sixth Street Station into the underground of New York City. The first thing she noticed was that it was warm but the air was dank and smelled stale. She wrinkled her nose but followed him through the turnstiles as he paid their fare and he led her to the platform.

She gripped his arm, holding on to him for dear life, and he teased her.

“Do you think I’m going to push you off to meet your maker?”

“If you do, I’m taking you with me,” she said.

He laughed again. She liked the way he laughed, it always made her smile.

“Deal,” he said. “But I promise you I won’t be throwing you over the edge. It would be a waste of a beautiful woman.”

Heat bloomed in Mindy’s cheeks. She wanted to chastise him for saying that, but they were alone. They weren’t on duty. They were just two friends exploring the city and she didn’t have a problem with him telling her she was beautiful.

There was a rumbling sound and she peeked down the dark tunnel to see two headlights in the distance.

“Come on, we have to move to the front of the train and get one of the first five compartments.”

“Why?” Mindy asked, as Sam guided her down to the other end of the platform.

“They only allow the first five compartments of the train to exit at the South Ferry Station. I don’t know why, but that’s just the way it is.”

The train slowed and stopped, the breeze blowing her loose hair into her face as it pulled into the station. The doors opened and a few people got off. Once the way was clear Sam pushed his way on, dragging her with him.

Surprisingly, there was a seat and he sat her down and stood in front of her. The doors dinged shut and the train pulled out of the station and down the dark tunnel.

“I feel bad with you standing there.”

“Don’t feel bad. I don’t think you should be standing on your first ride on the subway. Maybe when we head back up to the Upper West Side.” He winked at her, holding tight to the handhold above him, his body swaying back and forth with the train.

They chatted the best they could during their subway ride to the South Street Ferry. It was hard, with the constant jolting coupled with the loading and unloading of people.

“Come on. Up you get.” He held out his free hand and helped her to her feet.

“Why?” she asked, as she held on for dear life.

“The next stop is ours and we have to get off as quickly as we can before people start pushing to get on.”

Sam gripped her hand tight as the train came to a stop and the doors opened. He led her through the throng of people and out onto the platform. He guided her through the crowd and up to street level, where they headed to the Battery to catch the ferry to take them to Liberty Park.

Mindy shivered in the cold wind. “Do they operate on bitter days like today?”

“The only day they don’t run is December twenty-fifth and this is not bitter, you big wimp.”

She punched him in the arm but didn’t let go of his hand as they walked to the ferries. As they approached the depot she could see signs about pre-booking to enter the pedestal and the crown of the Statue of Liberty.

“You have to reserve your tickets in advance.”

“Don’t worry. I booked them last night. Got the last two tickets for this morning.” He glanced at her briefly as they waited in line. “You’re trying to figure out a way out of this. Why?”

“Why? Because it’s freaking cold. What if the boat sinks and we’re eaten by sharks?”

Sam cocked an eyebrow. “Are you afraid of the water?”

“I’m not afraid of water. I’m afraid of sharks and drowning. Oh, and hypothermia.”

He laughed. “You’re a strange duck, Mindy Walker.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

“As you should.” Sam winked and they boarded the ferry, which would take them on a short ride out on said frigid waters toward Lady Liberty, who faced southeast, greeting all newcomers to the U.S.A. Even though it was cold outside, it was sunny. A brilliant sunny day that reflected off the patina of the statue and her torch, making her seem to glow. Mindy had seen so many pictures of her but hadn’t really paid attention to this famous landmark when she’d arrived in New York just over a month ago. Now close up to her she could see why people loved her. Mindy leaned over the rail, smiling.

“When you smile like that, you’re really quite stunning,” Sam said.

“You really shouldn’t flatter me like that.”

“Why?” he asked.

“I might let it go to my head and forget myself.” Then she blushed, the heat rushing to her cheeks, even though it was cold. Why was she flirting with him? He was off-limits. Only she couldn’t help herself. It was easy around him.

Too easy.

Sam’s eyes twinkled, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he leaned over the railing beside her and though she was kind of hoping he would say something, she was glad that he didn’t. She hadn’t meant to say what she had, but she really had forgotten herself for a moment and who she was with. It was nice.

It had been so long since she’d been at ease around a man.

She’d forgotten how good it felt to have that kind of intimacy with someone and she really missed it.

Sam was surprised by what she’d said.

“I might let it go to my head and forget myself.”

He’d momentarily forgotten who he was with, but when she’d said those words his blood had heated with desire. Mindy looked so delectable all bundled up. Her soft purple knitted hat and infinity scarf set off the color of her eyes against her dark, rich red hair and he fought the desire to pull her up against him and kiss her, because at this moment all he could remember was the taste of her lips.

They had been so sweet.

All he could think about was her body naked with his. His lips on her ivory throat, his hands in her silky hair.

Get a grip on yourself, man.

So he didn’t say anything in response to her, just leaned over the railing and tried to focus on their approach to Liberty Island. He was hoping the cold wind biting at his cheeks would take away the lust singing in his blood.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted a woman like this. Other than the first night they’d met, but even then if she hadn’t initiated the kiss, if she hadn’t asked him back to her apartment, he probably would’ve done nothing.

Vixen that she was, he was absolutely lost to her and he knew he was so weak that if she asked him now to take her in his arms, he would without hesitation.

She’s off-limits.

And he had to keep reminding himself of that fact.

They were friends and nothing more. He wouldn’t walk down the same path his mother had. He wouldn’t sleep or have a relationship with a doctor who was his attending before he was. If she was still available when his fellowship was over, and he was an attending in his own right, then perhaps they could revisit their night of passion.

But, really, who was he kidding? He still had a couple years of working in the pediatric field before he became an attending. By then she would have moved on. A beautiful, funny, compassionate and talented surgeon like Mindy would have no problem finding someone. If only she would open up.

There were a few walls she’d carefully constructed around her.

It’s why he had a feeling she didn’t have many friends and he couldn’t figure out why she was keeping people out of her life. Why she was so closed off.

Any time they had come close to talking about something personal her walls had gone up. Of course, the same applied to him. His personal life was just that. Personal, and very few people knew his secrets. He preferred it that way. Fewer rumors that way.

“You hear about Dr. Hanley? The only reason she got that spot was because she slept with her attending, Dr. Langley.”

“Yes, and it totally destroyed her marriage. I feel bad. She has a son. Poor kid.”

The problem was the “poor kid” had been him, and he’d heard every word those other surgeons had said about his mother. It still stung to this day and he refused to be lumped in with his mother, even though he seriously doubted Mindy was as much of a jerk as the professor was. If it hadn’t been for the fact that Dr. Chang was at West Manhattan Saints he would never have applied to the surgical program.

He avoided Langley as much as he could, because he was one of the reasons his parents had split up. Why his mother had a reputation that followed her brilliance. Why people admired her, lauded her, but talked behind her back.

Sam didn’t want that.

“Thank goodness!” Mindy exclaimed, breaking through his morose thoughts. “We’re finally going to be on dry land.”

Sam chuckled. “There, now the sharks can’t get you. Unless I push you off the island.”

Mindy turned toward him. “You do that and, like at the subway station, I’m going to take you with me. You’re bigger, they’ll eat you first.”

Sam grinned but didn’t respond as he took her outstretched arm and they headed down to the lower deck to get off the boat and check out the Statue of Liberty.

He tried to keep his mind off the fact he was with one of the most beautiful women he’d seen for a long time and instead focus on the interesting museum in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Okay, the museum was not that interesting and he’d been to it before, but Mindy seemed engrossed in looking over everything.

“You’re absolutely and utterly bored, aren’t you?” Mindy asked, peering over a display, not looking at him.

“How can you possibly know that? You’re not paying attention to me at all.”

She smiled to herself. “I know when someone is bored. You’ve been shifting your weight on the balls of your feet, whistling and just trailing behind me.”

“Okay, the museum isn’t my cup of tea. I’ve been here before.”

“I figured as much,” she said. “I do appreciate you bringing me.”

“Not a problem.”

“Should we race to the top?” she teased.

“Are you kidding? It’s like over two hundred stairs to the top.”

“It’s three hundred and fifty-four, to be precise, but of course you would’ve known that had you read what I just read.” And for good measure she made a superior face.

“Why, you little…”

Mindy laughed and raced to the stairwell, taking the stairs quickly while Sam chased her. They didn’t run the whole way, they took breaks and stopped their mad chase when they came across others who were tackling the spiral staircase at a more leisurely pace and probably thought they were out of their gourds, racing around a national monument.

When they got to the top Sam leaned against the wall to catch his breath for a moment, so he didn’t sound too winded in front of her.

“You’re such an old man,” Mindy teased.

“I’m younger than you.”

“Low blow, old man Napier. Very low blow indeed.”

Sam grinned and came up beside her so they could look out over the water. Even though it was chilly out, the brilliant morning sun reflected against the water like diamonds.

“It is beautiful,” Mindy admitted. “I’m glad you brought me out here to see this. Even if it’s cold.”

“You’re welcome.” He glanced at her, actually he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, watching her delight in their trip. “Well, we’d better head down if we’re going to get to our next destination in time.”

Mindy cocked an eyebrow. “Next destination. No, we don’t need to go anywhere else. This was great.”

“I won’t hear any arguments. We’re going to the Empire State Building.”

“What is with your obsession with tall buildings today?”

“I’m taking you to all the touristy spots, like I said I would. I can’t help it that a lot of touristy spots are tall buildings. Well, two are for sure.” And he winked at her. “You’re at my mercy today, Mindy.”

Mindy just rolled her eyes and then laughed. “Whatever you say.”

Sam chuckled as he followed her down the endless steps back to the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. He kept his hands firmly jammed in his pockets so as not to reach out and pull her into his arms.

The idea of having her at his mercy excited him.

Stop thinking that way or you’ll be in trouble.

It seemed to him that he had to keep reminding himself of this fact.


It was hard not to, though. There were so many things he liked about Mindy. Even though she seemed to have her own walls firmly in place, keeping him out, she still was this bright, shiny and happy person. Her brilliance, her enthusiasm for everything she put herself into appealed to him.

She had fire in her. When residents or interns displeased her, especially when working on a fragile case, when a mother and her unborn baby’s lives were at stake, she was a fierce protector of her patients.

Dr. Mindy Walker was someone you didn’t want to cross professionally, but sometimes he got the feeling that she wasn’t always like that. That the fierceness was a defense mechanism, part of the walls.

He’d done a bit of research about her, read some of her papers. She’d had a very lucrative practice in California. What would make her sell it, pack up her life and move to a place where the air hurt her face?

Sam chuckled again to himself as he thought of her saying that a couple times since they’d left her apartment.

“Why am I living where the air hurts my face?”

And then she would make a pouty face.

“Ugh,” she groaned, as they stepped outside and headed toward the dock to pick up their ferry back to Battery Park.

“Yeah, yeah, the air. It hurts.”

Mindy punched him in the arm. “Smart aleck.”

They boarded the ferry and soon they were pushing off away from the Statue of Liberty. This time they sat on the benches inside. He leaned back against the bench, his arms spread, and she leaned back into his arm. She didn’t snuggle in but she didn’t move away either.

It was nice.

“So, why did you move here again?”

Mindy cleared her throat. “I told you. It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. Professor Langley made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

Sam snorted at the mention of the chief of surgery. “I see.”

“You don’t really like Professor Langley, do you?”

“What do you mean?” Sam straightened up and crossed his arms.

“Aha, so you have some secrets too.”

Sam shrugged. “We just don’t get on, that’s all.”

“That’s funny, because I could’ve sworn that he mentioned to me that you were one of the residents to watch.”

The compliment just slid off of him. He didn’t care if Langley thought highly of him. If it had been Dr. Chang that would’ve been different. He respected Dr. Chang. In fact, he respected most of the surgeons as West Manhattan Saints except Langley, because he’d ruined his parents’ marriage.

“Was it worth it, Monica? The promotion meant so much to you, you felt it necessary to throw our marriage away?”

“You don’t understand me, Frasier. You don’t understand what it’s like being a surgeon. Being the best. Langley understands my needs. You don’t. You just want me to be a mother, a housewife, grubbing around on your land in the Highlands. That’s not what I want. That’s not what I deserve. I never wanted to be a mother!”

His parents’ last fight haunted him.

The heartbreak in his father’s voice because his father had truly loved his mother. Sam’s father had been blinded by love to the point that he had fallen in love with someone who didn’t value love and family the same way he did.

It had nearly destroyed his father and it cut Sam to the quick when she hadn’t wanted full custody of him. That he’d moved from New York to Scotland. In the end, living with his father and being raised in the Highlands had given him a happy childhood, but it was the rejection of the woman he called Mother that still hurt.

When he had visited her, she’d barely spent any time with him unless he’d been in the hospital with her and he’d got to watch her and Langley together.

It was when she’d taken her posting at Harvard and left West Manhattan Saints that he’d stopped visiting her as often, because she hadn’t had time for him.

“What’s wrong?” Mindy asked. “You just totally closed off.”

“Just thinking.” Sam gave her a half-smile. “We’re here. You ready for your next adventure?”

“And if I say no?”

“You don’t have a choice, remember? I’m in charge today.” He held his hand out and she took it as they disembarked from the ferry and moved through the crowds heading to the subway station so they could catch the next ride up to the Empire State Building.

Sam shook the thoughts of his mother from his head.

His mother was not allowed in today. She wasn’t going to ruin this day. This day was all about him and Mindy.

Today he was going to have fun too, because he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had this much fun.

Hot Docs On Call: Surgeon's Seduction

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