Читать книгу Rachel's Hope - Carole Page Gift - Страница 3

“You look great, Rae,” he said, gazing steadily at her.


“You have that glow people talk about.”

“I do?” Her cheeks grew warm. Was she still attractive to David after all?

“You look the same way you did when you were expecting Brian. Remember? I used to tease you about it. I said, ‘If we could bottle that kind of beauty, we’d make a million dollars.’”

“Yes, I do remember,” she said softly. “I always thought you were just trying to make me feel better.”

“No, I was dead serious.” Slowly, tentatively, David moved from his recliner to the sofa. He took her hand in his, his very nearness making her weak, turning her heart to gelatin. “Rachel, sweetheart, I’ve been so worried about you. It’s Christmas and I hate this animosity between us. Isn’t there something we can do to resolve this?”

Tears gathered behind Rachel’s eyes. She yearned to feel herself enfolded in his embrace and to pretend that these bitter weeks apart had never happened, that this was like every Christmas they had spent together and would spend together, for the rest of their lives.

“Oh, David.” She sighed. No other words would come.

Then he moved toward her and gathered her into his arms…

Rachel's Hope

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