Читать книгу Popular Pastimes for Field and Fireside, or Amusements for young and old - Caroline L. Smith - Страница 3



Table of Contents

I WOULD like to make a few suggestions on “home influence,” before I commence a list of amusements. They may be superfluous; if so, I trust you will pardon me.

All parents, I am sure, must feel a deep interest in this subject, and I think will agree with me that judicious praise is quite as necessary in the training of a child as wholesome correction. But if we wish our children to have a genuine love for us, and our homes, we must sympathize with them, and never forget we were once children, and loved childish things.

Mothers have by nature far more sympathy and patience than most fathers. Some fathers are apt to think that home is only a place in which to eat, sleep, and be generally comfortable; but as to giving any of their valuable time to entertaining their own children, why, the very idea is preposterous! A wife is presuming to expect it! Let me appeal to your selfish instincts. You all wish to be loved and revered, and are gratified if your children are attentive to your comforts. Can you expect such manifestations, unless you set them an example, and prove by a real interest in their pleasures, that you sincerely love them? Is it not better to devote at least an hour a day to your children, than to spend every moment in earning money for them, which, unless you rightly direct and train them, will surely prove their ruin?

There is no time in the day when home is so pleasant as at twilight, or in the early evening hour. Then all are gathered (or should be) together at home. In the country it is after tea; in cities, particularly New York, it is after dinner. Then, I entreat you, fathers and mothers, assemble your children around you, devote your time for an hour or two in being children with them, join heartily in all their plays; let them tell what has interested them during the day; draw them out, and encourage them to open their little hearts freely and confide in you.

Some think it childish and silly to play games. Yet if we would only keep our hearts young and happy, we should retain our youth longer, and love our friends and homes better. A good hearty laugh is wholesome.

Mothers, I intreat you to train your own children. Do not leave them to servants. Hire them to relieve you of the care of your house, and to do your sewing; but give your time to your children. “Verily, you will have your reward.”

I have compiled this book to assist you in your home amusements. May it carry to your home circle that spirit of enjoyment which is natural to the young heart, and which should not be absent from the more mature.

Popular Pastimes for Field and Fireside, or Amusements for young and old

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