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Jen picks up the ‘St Mark’s’ place card and studies it for a while. Though the music is blaring and people are milling and chatting near their table, she can’t hear anything except the clatter of her heart. It has been racing since looking up to see Penny’s pallid face at the window, and even self-medicating with champagne hasn’t helped. They’ve been joined by Dan from the top table and though usually calm, he’s agitated too, repeating himself like a record stuck in a groove. He’s been brilliant all day, hurtling with Will to deal with Penny, then taking on the role as the only best man at the meal with aplomb, but it’s as though the trauma has only recently set and is playing on a loop.

He’s shaking his dark head. ‘At a wedding of all places. I can’t believe Penny did that,’ he says again. Frowning, he turns to Geri. ‘She was humming when we got there, but after getting her to safety, she behaved as though everything was normal. Saying she had to dress and brush her hair, check her face in the mirror. Bizarre. Did she say anything to you in the church?’

‘No, I’ve already said, Dan, she seemed normal. Well, quiet, but she’s generally pretty quiet, isn’t she?’ Tapping a painted fingernail on her lips, Geri frowns. ‘God, it was only a few hours ago and it’s already hard to remember.’ Closing her eyes, she starts to describe Penny’s movements, but Jen drifts, the batter of her heart still loud in her ears. She tunes in again when Geri mentions Will’s name. ‘She was there when Will was fooling with your girls. It was funny to see them swallowed up by his wedding tails, then racing away. Poor Holly being lugged back under his arm like a sack of potatoes did make me laugh.’ For a moment she looks startled. ‘God, did I really laugh and say it was one of those joyous moments everyone remembers? I looked for Penny then and she was walking inside. Then, I don’t know … the confetti shot?’

‘Bloody unbelievable,’ Jen says, her thoughts popping out as words. ‘I wonder what was going on in her head.’

Turning to the dance floor, she absently watches her daughters. They didn’t see Penny at the window, thank God. At least she doesn’t think so. Geri guided Holly and Maria inside before anyone noticed and she was on the way to clean Anna’s shoes in the ladies’, so she was carrying her.

She sighs. One of life’s shocking turns; unexpected change in an instant. Her worries about Holly seem silly now. And besides, she looks fine. Her pretty face is flushed and she’s even laughing with Maria. Dancing and music; the two things they have in common.

The only two things.

Still finding it impossible to fully absorb what’s happened and shape how she feels, she glances at her watch. Bloody hell, look at the time! Enough theorising about Penny, it’s time now to focus. Pinning her hair behind her ears, she turns to Ian. ‘When should we take the girls up to the room?’ she asks. ‘It’s getting late.’

He looks up from his mobile. ‘Another ten minutes? I’ll give them a warning.’ Putting his hand on her arm, he squeezes gently. ‘You stay and chat. There’s no need for us both. I’ll put them to bed and catch the end of Match of the Day.’

‘Thanks, love, you’re a star.’

With a surge of affection, she smiles as her husband threads his way to their girls, his red hair flashed green by the neon lights. She observes for a few moments as he negotiates their departure. Her daughters’ faces go from truculent to defeated, from nodding to broad smiles. Bribery, she thinks, it’s the secret of parenting and works every time: money for Maria, football stickers for Holly and swimming tomorrow morning for Anna, she guesses. Of course Ian wants to escape to watch the football highlights and review the day’s scores, but he’s still a bloody star.

She turns back to the table; Geri is studying her nails, Seb and Dan drinking in silence. She puts her glass to her mouth, then realises it’s empty. The speculation storms back. What the hell happened today? What was going on in Penny’s mind? She seemed fine for the photographs at the church. They stood together, chatting about the girls as usual, and she asked Penny if she was reminded of her big day. She was outside the hotel too, wasn’t she, when Will was larking around? Was that when she caught the puzzled look on his face, when he asked if she knew where Penny had gone?

Leaning towards Seb, she studies him for a moment, wondering how he’s feeling. Worried for his big brother, she supposes. She knew him so well as a boy, but she hardly knows the man. His intense eyes seem focused on Dan and there’s a small frown she can just see beneath his long fringe.

‘Hey, Sebi. Any word from Will?’

He turns his head sharply, looking startled. ‘No, not much. Just a text to say they’re home.’

She sits back again, the palpitations still there. ‘What do you think he’ll do? He can’t just do nothing.’

The words emerge louder than she intends, but no one has a reply. Then Seb seems to rouse himself. ‘I bought a couple of bottles of brandy for Nick. Good stuff. Think we’re bringing down the tone sitting here looking miserable. How about we polish one off in my room?’

‘A brilliant idea. You’re a bloody star, Sebi,’ she declares, standing. She grabs Geri’s hand. ‘Come on, pregnant lady. You can be my chaperone.’

Vertical, she sways. God knows how much she’s already drunk, but she can’t feel it yet. She pictures Penny on the window ledge, so pale and so thin, wearing only her nude-coloured underwear. Drinking more is the thing. She’ll need the anaesthetic tonight.

My Husband’s Lies: An unputdownable read, perfect for book group reading

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