Читать книгу The Baby Emergency - Carol Marinelli, Carol Marinelli - Страница 2

“It wouldn’t work,” Shelly insisted in an irritated voice


“I’d rather pay a childminder to look after Matthew. At least that way I’d know they were doing things properly.”

“Properly!” Ross repeated her last word through pursed lips.

“Yes, properly, Ross,” Shelly snapped, her words coming out much too harsh. But suddenly Ross was getting too near for comfort, making promises he would surely never, ever keep, and perhaps more to the point Shelly was terrified of letting him into her life. Terrified that one look at the real Shelly—the mom, the housewife, the eternal juggling game that her life was at the moment—would have Ross scuttling away in two seconds flat.

But Ross wasn’t ready to even consider taking no for an option!

The Baby Emergency

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