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Chapter Five


When Lisa returned to the lodge after saying goodbye to her sisters and playing with Toby, the huge log house was empty. Adam had cleaned up and disappeared.

Without Adam to distract her, she had the chance to study the lodge and understand Adam’s claim that there was a lot to be done before the grand opening. There was a lot of potential. Had Adam hired a decorator to add those final touches, or did he have a girlfriend who was going to help?

The mantel clock chimed. Elizabeth wouldn’t be back for another hour.

She wondered if Adam had taken pictures of the entire process from beginning to finish, and retrieved her camera. She started upstairs in the guest suites. As Adam had claimed, none of the other rooms were ready for guests.

Antique furniture stood against bare walls, gathered by color and style. Furnishings for the two-bedroom suites were all rustic mission-style, like in her own suite. One furniture set included a matching marble-top dresser and washstand, yet another was a massive darker collection with a bed so high off the ground, she would need a step stool to climb in. On the far side such a stool stood next to the bed frame. All looked as if they had been refinished recently and were beautifully matched.

Pillow-top mattresses and goose-down pillows still wore their plastic coverings and Do Not Remove Under Penalty Of The Law tags. On each antique table or desk was a compact disc player/radio/clock still in the box. On one library table stood a dozen lamps, some old, some new, some matching and many unique designs.

Windows were stark frames to the beautiful backdrop of Colorado scenery. Ceiling fans waited anxiously for the summer heat.

Each bathroom was different. Some had oversize walk-in showers, while others replica clawfoot tubs, and pedestal sinks. The largest suite had a double-size jetted tub.

She snapped photos, hoping Adam wouldn’t mind. They weren’t for professional purposes, but for him, just for fun. This had to have been a huge undertaking to oversee the design, plans, purchases and building. She could see now why the cowboy was stressed.

Lisa finished the roll of film in the great room and kitchen, again, enthralled with the impressive collection of antiques—Hoosier cupboards, iceboxes of varied sizes and one intriguing massive oak chest with a dozen shallow drawers and at least another half-dozen cupboards, not counting the hidden compartments on each side of the unit.

By the time Liz returned from her mother’s house, Lisa was armed with questions. She heard the back door open and close.


“In here.” Lisa paused, studying the collection of compact discs and books in the Ballister bookshelf and the computer-generated note inviting guests to enjoy the discs in their rooms. “Quite a collection.”

Adam’s sister smiled. “We all made contributions, along with donations from friends who’d received a few rather interesting titles from club memberships.”

“Ah, that explains it.” She laughed. “It looks like you should have something to please everyone.”

“That’s Adam’s goal.” Elizabeth curled up on the leather sofa and invited Lisa to do the same. “You may have noticed, he’s a little tense right now. He’s not normally so crabby.”

“I’m sorry to have come at a bad time. Who did my editor call to make the arrangements? It really isn’t like Francie to push for an interview. It’s not like this is breaking news. Whispering Pines will still be here in a month or two.”

Elizabeth’s smile softened. “Mom took the call. She hoped it would give Adam a push to accept some help with the final details, like purchasing the linens, the bedding, the window coverings. He fired the decorator and doesn’t want to accept help from Mom, Susan or I.”

Lisa couldn’t hide her surprise. “And when is the opening?”

“In three weeks.” His sister jumped from the sofa, made a selection from the CDs and put one into the sound system.

Doing a quick calculation in her mind, Lisa made a guess. “Valentine’s Day?”

Nodding her head, “Yep” popped out of Liz’s mouth. “Baby brothers can be so stubborn.”

“You mean this isn’t a temporary trait?”

“Afraid not. Don’t get me wrong. He’s poured his heart and soul into the tiniest of details. Yet ask him about practical things like bedding and towels, and he’s clueless, and we won’t even mention decorations. He’s going to drive the rest of us crazy before this is over.”

Lisa couldn’t hold back the laughter, and before they knew it, both were commiserating over siblings. Their enjoyable conversation was interrupted by the master of the mansion.

Adam looked at the two of them disapprovingly, and the laughter stopped. “Liz, you and Kirk going to stay for lunch? I’m putting potatoes in the oven.”

“You mean you haven’t even fed Lisa lunch?” Liz pushed herself up from the sofa and began to rail at her brother. “It’s nearly two o’clock!”

Adam looked at Lisa and their eyes met. “She knows where the food is if she gets hungry.”

“Adam MacIntyre!”

Lisa came to his defense. “He did tell me to help myself. I just lost track of time as I was exploring.”

“See. She’s not helpless,” Adam added with a reluctant smile. “Either of you need anything before I get back to work? Food, drink, questions answered?”

“Oh, man. First you don’t want a thing to do with this. Now—” she looked at Lisa “—you’re dying to know just what secrets I’m telling. Tough, little brother. I’m handling this interview.” She shooed him away as if he were a pesky ten-year-old. “You and Kirk go ahead with your chores. Remind my husband that we have dinner plans, but thanks for asking, Adam.”

Lisa bit back a smile. Adam looked as if he’d just been sent to bed without supper. She listened to Liz talk, envisioning Adam happy and full of mischief, before she’d arrived.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with Adam, Lisa, but trust me, he isn’t normally like this at all. I think the pressure is just starting to get to him. Why don’t I give you the grand tour?”

“It’s hard to imagine the magnitude of what he’s taking on here.” Lisa looked around, trying to imagine the room bustling with unfamiliar people.

“Adam is trying so hard to do this all on his own, but he just doesn’t realize how much more there is to be done.” After seeing the entire lodge, they returned to the great room and Lisa closed her notebook.

“I hope that helps.” Liz handed her a business card. “If you need any help—with the interview, or my brother—just call.”

Lisa nodded. “It’s a beautiful building. Thank you for taking the time to show me around, Liz.”

“I enjoyed it…and I’m thrilled that you’re here to do this story for us. And despite Adam’s sour mood, I think he’s excited about this story, too.” With that, Adam’s sister left.

Despite Liz’s claim, it was still difficult to picture Adam enjoying playing host. Or maybe he only found it impossible to be hospitable to her.

Whatever the reason, she was determined to change his mind.

This Time Forever

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