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wrote daily to a pen pal for ten years, yet writing as a career didn’t occur to her for another two decades. “My first key chain said, ‘Bloom where you’re planted.’ I’ve tried to follow that advice ever since.”

Carol, her husband and their three children have planted their roots in Greeley. Together, their family enjoys sports, camping and discovering Colorado’s beauty. Carol has operated her own cake-decorating business and spent fifteen years providing full-time child care to more than one hundred children before moving on to the other end of the education field. She is now an admissions adviser at a state university.

As always, Carol loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her at P.O. Box 5021, Greeley, CO 80632. She would also love for you to visit her Web page at http://members.aol.com/csteward37.

This Time Forever

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