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Monday 12th March 1996

Dearest Granny,

Can I just say that everyone is really overreacting?

Look, I’ve always been funny about blood – you know that. Remember when Rich broke his nose playing rugby? And I fainted and gave myself concussion? Then there was the time Mummy cut her finger when I was little and I got all hysterical.

It’s what I do. Funny old Izzy, etc! Big drama queen. As Dad always says.

And this time there were what you call them – extenerating (???) circumstances. I hadn’t eaten my lunch and was about to come on, so I was a bit wobbly.

The stupid thing about it is that the paint didn’t even look that realistic, not really.

We were in art and because it was almost Halloween, people were telling silly stories and trying to scare each other. And Sasha Picket, who always has to be at the centre of EVERYTHING, thought it would be really funny to cover her hands and arms in red paint.

She let out this horrible shriek and when we looked at her, her eyes were all wide and mad.

Everyone says that almost straight away she went, ‘Out, out damned Spot!’ and then cracked up. But I don’t really remember any of that.

All I know is that everything went tight and hot and there was no air. I wanted to make myself really small. I don’t remember screaming like they all said I did. I think they’re exaggerating about that part.

But anyway of course there was a big hoohah about it and all the teachers went nuts.

I am FINE.


Okay? Promise!

So you can stop worrying about me. I hate school, but there’s nothing new there.

Can’t wait to see you and to give you and Bruce the biggest cuddles. Tell him I’m taking him for walkies SOON! Hope he’s being a good boy.

All my love,

Izzy xxxxx

I miss Mummy so much. She never went off the deep end like Dad does. I know you miss her too xxxx

In a Cottage In a Wood: The gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of The Woman Next Door

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