Читать книгу An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the Bible - Catharine Esther Beecher - Страница 14

The Catholic Method.


Table of Contents

The first mode of meeting this difficulty is called that of mystery and sovereignty. It is simply saying that there is no explanation to be given. It is a mystery that God as a sovereign does not choose to explain, and it must be submitted to in uncomplaining silence.

This is the Catholic mode which has been perpetuated by many Protestants. It is the same method as is adopted in defending the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.

All who do not resort to the Catholic mode of mystery and sovereignty, endeavor to relieve the Creator from the charge of being the author of sin by maintaining that man made his own depraved nature.

This they set forth in the following ways:

An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the Bible

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