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Ben Richards was the newest addition to the Shreveport Police Department, and therefore drew the unlucky assignment of standing guard over the comatose John Doe at St. Christopher’s Charity Hospital.

“I suppose you want to get reassigned,” Jimmy Joe said, exhaling heavily as he spoke.

“No, sir. I’m quite satisfied.”

“Satisfied?” Jimmy Joe eyed him suspiciously.

“Absolutely. If this is where you need me, then this is where I’ll be,” Ben said firmly.

“Good. You let me know the minute that guy comes around. I’ve got some questions that need answering,” Jimmy Joe continued. “You’ve only been here a few days…”

“And everyone else is needed for more important work?” Ben offered.

“That’s right.” Jimmy Joe smiled. “Glad to see you understand.”

“Of course. No problem.” Ben clasped his hands behind his back.

Jimmy Joe grinned widely. “You catch on quick, son.” He assessed the tall, thirty-six-year-old man. “You’re kinda old for a rookie. Why’d it take you so long to get through the academy?”

“I didn’t know what I wanted out of life until two years ago. I just kinda bummed around, I guess you’d say.”

“I see. Just so you know, every case is top priority to this office.”

Ben held his palm in the air. “Don’t apologize, sir. I’m happy to take this responsibility. If there’s any information forthcoming from John Doe, rest assured I’ll be on top of it.”


“Did we ID the body in the morgue?” Ben slipped the question in easily.

Jimmy Joe nodded. “Even though there was no ID on either one of them when we brought them in, we found his initials inscribed inside his watchband. Then we ran his fingerprints. He had a misdemeanor arrest when he was sixteen. Probably got busted on prom night. His name is Adam Rivers, of New Orleans. I just got the call his wife’s coming in. She’s probably downstairs right now. Let’s go.”

Ben followed Jimmy Joe.

Shannon wrapped a pilled black cardigan around her shoulders as she waited outside the hospital, where she was to meet Alice Rivers, then take her to the morgue.

The automatic glass doors opened. Chief Bremen, Ben Richards and Helen Mayer walked toward her.

“Mrs. Rivers isn’t here yet?” Helen asked.

“No,” Shannon answered, glancing quickly at Chief Bremen. She felt chills surge across her back. She wished she was anywhere but here. She looked away from the older man to Ben. “Who’s he?” she asked quietly.

“John Doe’s bodyguard,” Helen whispered.

Ben overheard Shannon’s question. “My name is Ben Richards,” he said, putting out his hand.

She looked at his hand and nodded while hugging herself against the cold. “A bodyguard? He’s unconscious. He can’t hurt anyone.”

Shannon looked away from Ben’s probing eyes. The wind whipped around the corner, stinging her eyes. It gave her an excuse to close them and pretend she was nowhere near these men. Cocking her head toward Helen, she whispered, “This case gets more bizarre by the minute. And why should Alice Rivers need me…a nurse?”

Helen gave her a sidelong glance, pointing to the squad car as it pulled up. “Wait and see.”

Gallantly, Ben opened the car door and extended his hand to the woman inside.

“My God. She’s pregnant.” Astonishment cut through Shannon’s voice.

“Overdue, actually,” Helen replied.

“What are these bastards trying to do? Send her into shock?” Shannon glared at Ben.

He ignored her and smiled at Alice.

Helen shrugged her shoulders. “I thought the same thing. They say it’s for security. I’ve alerted Maternity. Watch her closely, Shannon. She’s in your hands now.”

Shannon moved toward the squad car, intent on taking over from Ben.

Alice Rivers was child-size despite the pregnancy. Her face was pale as she shifted her weight grimly.

“I’m Shannon Riley. I’m here to help you.” Shannon said, casting Ben an icy glare and he backed away. Shannon shook Alice’s hand. “You’re trembling.”

“Wouldn’t you be?” Alice asked.

“Of course.”

“I’m Ben Richards, Mrs. Rivers. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know,” he said in a comforting tone of voice that surprised Shannon with its depth.

Alice nodded curtly to Ben and Jimmy Joe rather than touch their extended hands.

“You’ll be fine,” Shannon assured her.

Alice gave her a grateful look.

“Thank you for coming, Mrs. Rivers,” Jimmy Joe said. “I must warn you, Mrs. Rivers, this may not be your husband, but from the description you gave the New Orleans police—”

“You think it is,” she finished for him.


Alice’s eyes went pleadingly to Shannon. “He didn’t tell me he was coming here. Adam doesn’t know anyone in Shreveport.”

“We think he knew the man in the hospital,” Ben said.

“What man?” she said, looking at the police officer once more.

“The man we found with your husband.”

“Who is he?”

“We were hoping you could tell us that,” Ben said.

Alice shook her head vehemently. “We don’t know anyone here.”

“I understand,” Ben replied calmly. “Perhaps we should get this over with.”

“Yes,” she answered, her eyes going back to Shannon.

Shannon put her arm protectively around Alice’s back.

“Everything’s going to be okay, Mrs. Rivers.” Shannon said.

“How can you say that? My husband is missing, for God’s sake. And the best I can do at this moment is pray it’s not him in there on a slab.”

Shannon saw the tears in the woman’s eyes and her heart went out to her. “Believe me, I do know what you’re going through,” she whispered. “It’s hell, but we’ll do it together. Just you and me. Okay?”

Their eyes met in that knowing glance women share when their hearts are open. Alice clutched Shannon’s sleeve. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

“Good girl.”

They went inside to ICU, where three men and one elderly woman were attached to high-tech monitoring equipment. Black screens with waving lines and tiny blinking lights indicated that the still bodies were alive.

Alice braced herself.

Shannon felt her own skin turn cold. “C’mon.”

Alice’s frantic eyes flitted from gurney to gurney. “This isn’t happening.”

Shannon’s arm tightened around Alice as if she were the one needing strength.

Alice lumbered awkwardly, her arms strapped over her abdomen clearly trying to hold herself together. Fear crept back into her eyes. “Adam isn’t here?”

“No,” Jimmy Joe said flatly. “We were hoping you could identify John Doe for us.”

Ben stood next to the last gurney in the area. “Do you know this man?”

Shannon watched Alice intently.

Alice stared at the mangled swollen face of the man who appeared more dead than alive. She gasped and turned ashen. “My God! Did they crush his face?” She put her hand over her mouth, holding back her nausea.

“They thought they killed him.”

“You mean, like they killed Adam?”

“Yes,” Jimmy Joe answered. “Unless this man killed your husband first. We simply don’t know.”

She gasped and clamped her hand over her mouth. “Did they torture them?”

“Alice…” Shannon’s voice was filled with concern.

“I’m okay.” She breathed in heavily, obviously anticipating the worst of all possible answers.

Jimmy Joe started to answer truthfully, but Ben interrupted. “No.”

The stark terror in Alice’s eyes faded. Shannon cast Ben a grateful look. He caught it and smiled back, then gave her a slight nod, letting her know he was there to help her make Alice feel at ease.

How chivalrous. He read the reports. He knows the truth, but he wants to protect her.

Shannon was surprised at the flood of relief that overcame her. She wasn’t used to relying on others for assistance of any kind. And certainly not a cop. She wondered why his aid suddenly meant something to her.

Shannon smiled back and Ben’s smile widened. She felt her heart flutter. It was a feeling she hadn’t experienced in so long, she instantly discounted it.

Jimmy Joe asked Alice, “Are you sure you’ve never seen him before?”

“I told you, we don’t know anyone in Shreveport. My husband and I have a fine circle of friends in New Orleans. My family has lived in New Orleans for two hundred years. We would never, ever associate with anyone so unseemly as this man. For any of this to have happened to Adam is beyond my comprehension. Frankly, it’s my belief Adam was kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped?” Shannon asked, surprised.

“Yes. That kind of thing is happening more and more these days. People of our class and wealth are more vulnerable than ever to danger. Always have been,” she said resolutely.

“I wasn’t aware of that,” Jimmy Joe said.

“I’m not surprised. You don’t honestly believe we involve the police every time one of us is threatened. We have the money to deal with these things.”

“Have you ever been kidnapped, Mrs. Rivers?” Ben asked curiously.

“No. But my sister was when I was ten. She was returned unharmed. My father has always believed in a great deal of security.”

“I see,” Ben said. “Did you receive a call demanding ransom for your husband, Mrs. Rivers?”

“No,” she replied sadly.

“Then why would you think he was kidnapped?” Shannon blurted out the question before she realized she’d spoken. After all, this wasn’t her investigation. She kept telling herself she could care less. She was assigned. She hadn’t volunteered. She wanted to be as far away from here as possible. Yet, something kept her rooted to the spot.

“There’s no other acceptable explanation,” Alice said. “My husband was a well-educated, honorable man. He wasn’t a criminal. Nor would he consort with such people. He was kidnapped and the kidnappers killed him before making the call to either myself or my parents.”

Jimmy Joe stuffed his fists in his pockets and rocked back on his heels as he considered her explanation.

Shannon dismissed her views. She suspected that Alice Rivers not only led a sheltered life, but that her husband had clearly lied to her. No telling what the police would dredge up.

Ben gestured toward the door. “I think it’s time we get the worst over with.”

The lights in the morgue were blinding as the coroner rolled the slab out of its file in the wall.

Shannon kept her arm clamped around Alice’s shoulder while the coroner unceremoniously flipped back the white sheet.

Alice’s eyes gaped at her husband’s bloodless body.

Shannon felt shock waves rivet through Alice’s body. She wished she could absorb the impact, lessen Alice’s pain, but she was powerless.

“Oh, God!” Alice screamed. “Oh my God! Adam!” She clamped her hands over her face. Bursting into tears, she turned into Shannon’s shoulder, looking more ghostly than the corpse.

“Your husband?” Jimmy Joe asked emotionlessly.

Shannon couldn’t help wondering what made him so impassive.

“Yes,” Alice groaned and clutched her abdomen. She folded in half.

“She’s gone into shock!” Shannon said, casting an imploring look at Ben. “Hit the call button! I need help!”

Ben rushed to the wall and slammed his palm on the red button. He barked orders into the intercom.

“Oh, God,” Alice cried. “This can’t be happening!” Terror struck her eyes.

“What’s going on?” Jimmy Joe asked, flustered.

Ben put his arms around the rotund, but frail woman. “She’s going into labor, Chief.”

“Shit!” Jimmy Joe said, standing aside as Shannon and Ben lowered Alice to the floor.

Alice’s water broke. “Don’t let this happen here! I want to go home!”

“You’ll be fine,” Shannon assured her.

“I don’t think…” Pain shot through her again. Her eyes darted to her dead husband. “I’m alone…”

Shannon squeezed her hand very hard. “No, Alice, you have this baby.”

“Yes, the baby…”

Shannon tried to lift her.

“Here.” Ben put his hands on Shannon’s shoulders, easing her aside. “I’ll do this.” He scooped Alice up into his strong arms. “Where to?”

Shannon gaped at him. She wasn’t used to heroes. “Fifth floor.”

Ben rushed toward the door with Alice in his arms and Shannon fast on his heels.

“Damn it!” Jimmy Joe grumbled. “Now there’s no chance she’ll ID our John Doe.”

California Moon

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