Читать книгу Handbook of MRI Technique - Catherine Westbrook - Страница 4
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Correct placement of a flat surface receive coil.Figure 1.2 Positioning of the alignment lights.
2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Conventional spin echo pulse sequence diagram with two echoes. ...Figure 3.2 Fast or turbo spin echo pulse sequence diagram.Figure 3.3 Inversion recovery pulse sequence diagram.Figure 3.4 Rewound gradient echo pulse sequence diagram.Figure 3.5 Spoiled gradient echo pulse sequence diagram.Figure 3.6 Reverse echo gradient echo pulse sequence diagram.Figure 3.7 Gradient echo – EPI pulse sequence diagram.
3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Time of flight flow phenomenon.Figure 4.2 Intra‐voxel dephasing.Figure 4.3 The periodicity of fat and water.
4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Correct placement of gating leads.Figure 5.2 A normal ECG trace and correct placement of the triggering level....Figure 5.3 The ECG trace including safeguarding windows.Figure 5.4 Data acquisition in ciné imaging. Four slice locations at four ph...Figure 5.5 Correct positioning of respiratory bellows to catch abdominal and...
5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 MRI safety zones as recommended by the ACR Guidance Document on M...
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Tumbling of water molecules. Top left (time 1), top right (time 2...
7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Transverse aspect of the brain showing inferior structures.Figure 8.2 Oblique aspect of the brain showing inferior structures.Figure 8.3 Sagittal localizer of the brain showing the ACPC axis. (Source: S...Figure 8.4 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for ...Figure 8.5 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for ...Figure 8.6 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with radial k‐space demonstrati...Figure 8.7 Axial IR‐T1‐weighted image of the brain.Figure 8.8 Axial FLAIR T2‐weighted image with radial k‐space demonstrating h...Figure 8.9 DWI of the brain with a b value of 1000 mm2/s. The high signal in...Figure 8.10 Tractography demonstrating tract orientation.Figure 8.11 Frequency and amplitude of common metabolites in the brain, meas...Figure 8.12 Image showing VOI in an MRS of the brain.Figure 8.13 The temporal lobe and its relationships.Figure 8.14 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.15 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.16 Coronal FSE/TSE‐IR T2‐weighted image of the brain with TI select...Figure 8.17 Coronal FSE/TSE‐IR T2‐weighted image video inverted to better de...Figure 8.18 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging o...Figure 8.19 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription for coronal imagin...Figure 8.20 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted high spatial resolution image demonstr...Figure 8.21 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted high spatial resolution image demonstr...Figure 8.22 The pituitary fossa and its relationships.Figure 8.23 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.24 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.25 Coronal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image after contrast enhancement dem...Figure 8.26 The structures of the orbit in sagittal section.Figure 8.27 Inner structures of the eye.Figure 8.28 Sagittal localizer showing the correct orientation for axial/obl...Figure 8.29 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.30 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.31 Coronal STIR of the orbits demonstrating a venous malformation. ...Figure 8.32 Axial 3D FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with parallel imaging demonst...Figure 8.33 Anterior view of the paranasal sinuses.Figure 8.34 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.35 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.36 Sagittal/oblique section through the mouth, larynx and pharynx....Figure 8.37 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.38 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging o...Figure 8.39 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription for sagittal imagin...Figure 8.40 Coronal STIR with radial k‐space demonstrating a nasopharyngeal ...Figure 8.41 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging ...Figure 8.42 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 8.43 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with fat suppression (Dixon) dem...Figure 8.44 Coronal STIR MIP demonstrating lymphoma.Figure 8.45 Sagittal view of the thyroid gland and its relationships.Figure 8.46 Anterior view of the thyroid gland and its relationships.Figure 8.47 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging o...Figure 8.48 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image with fat suppression (Dixon) dem...Figure 8.49 Axial FSE/TSE T2 weighted image with fat suppression (Dixon) dem...Figure 8.50 Sagittal view of the TMJ and its relationships.Figure 8.51 Axial localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for sa...Figure 8.52 Contrast enhanced multi‐phase images of the brain.Figure 8.53 Phase contrast venogram of the brain.Figure 8.54 Coronal contrast‐enhanced MRA of the neck vessels.
8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Sagittal view of the spine showing vertebral levels.Figure 9.2 The components of the cervical spine and spinal cord.Figure 9.3 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging o...Figure 9.4 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription for axial/oblique s...Figure 9.5 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted midline image through the cervical c...Figure 9.6 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the cervical cord demonstratin...Figure 9.7 Axial balanced GRE T2*‐weighted image through the cervical cord....Figure 9.8 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging o...Figure 9.9 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the thoracic spine.Figure 9.10 Axial/oblique FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image through the thoracic cor...Figure 9.11 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging ...Figure 9.12 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging ...Figure 9.13 Sagittal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image demonstrating an acute fractu...Figure 9.14 Axial/oblique FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the lumbar spine demo...Figure 9.15 Sagittal STIR of the lumbar spine.Figure 9.16 Sagittal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image (left) and T2‐weighted image ...Figure 9.17 Sagittal/oblique balanced GRE T2*‐weighted image through the cer...
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Anterior view of the components of the chest cavity.Figure 10.2 Coronal localizer of the chest showing prescription of axial sli...Figure 10.3 Axial CSE T1‐weighted gated image of the chest.Figure 10.4 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with radial k‐space demonstratin...Figure 10.5 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the chest with phase A to P....Figure 10.6 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the chest with phase L to R....Figure 10.7 The great vessels and chambers of the heart.Figure 10.8 The cardiac circulation.Figure 10.9 Coronal localizer through the chest cavity demonstrating slice p...Figure 10.10 Axial localizer through the heart showing slice angulation for ...Figure 10.11 Two‐chamber long‐axis view.Figure 10.12 Long axis view with slice angulation for the four‐chamber view....Figure 10.13 Four‐chamber view.Figure 10.14 Long axis view with slice angulation and boundaries for the sho...Figure 10.15 Short‐axis view.Figure 10.16 Axial images showing bright‐blood imaging (above) and black‐blo...Figure 10.17 Coronal fast spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image acquired after contr...Figure 10.18 Coronary artery imaging after contrast enhancement.Figure 10.19 Sagittal section through the breast.Figure 10.20 Bilateral multi‐channel breast coil.Figure 10.21 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of the breasts.Figure 10.22 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the breasts with fat suppres...Figure 10.23 Axial 3D spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of the breasts pre‐contr...Figure 10.24 Axial 3D spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of the breasts post‐cont...Figure 10.25 Sagittal 3D spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of the breasts post‐c...Figure 10.26 MIP post‐processed image of the breasts.Figure 10.27 Sagittal STIR of a breast implant.Figure 10.28 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted unilateral image of a breast.Figure 10.29 The components of the brachial plexus.Figure 10.30 Coronal CSE T1‐weighted image of a normal brachial plexus.Figure 10.31 Coronal 3D STIR image of a normal brachial plexus.
10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 The components of the liver and biliary system.Figure 11.2 Coronal localizer through the abdomen demonstrating slice prescr...Figure 11.3 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted out of phase image through the liv...Figure 11.4 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted in phase image through the liver....Figure 11.5 Axial 3D FSE/TSE T2‐weighted fat suppressed image through the li...Figure 11.6 Axial SS‐FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image through the liver.Figure 11.7 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image with fat suppression (Dixon)...Figure 11.8 Coronal SS‐FSE/TSE image of the gallbladder (MRCP). A very long ...Figure 11.9 The urinary system and its vascular supply.Figure 11.10 Coronal localizer through the abdomen demonstrating slice presc...Figure 11.11 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image with fat suppression (Dixon...Figure 11.12 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image with fat suppression (Dixon...Figure 11.13 Coronal localizer through the abdomen demonstrating slice presc...Figure 11.14 MRU static‐fluid, coronal 3D FSE T2 highlighting both of the ur...Figure 11.15 MRU excretory, coronal spoiled GRE T1‐weighted with Gd showing ...Figure 11.16 The pancreas and related structures.Figure 11.17 Coronal localizer through the abdomen demonstrating slice presc...Figure 11.18 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image with fat suppression (Dixon...Figure 11.19 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the pancreas.Figure 11.20 Axial SS‐FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the pancreas during free ...Figure 11.21 MRCP of the pancreatic duct.Figure 11.22 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted with fat suppression through the sm...Figure 11.23 Coronal spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image with fat suppression (Dix...Figure 11.24 Coronal spoiled GRE T1‐weighted with contrast enhancement showi...Figure 11.25 Coronal spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of the renal arteries dur...
11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Sagittal section through the male pelvis showing midline structu...Figure 12.2 Coronal localizer through the pelvis to show slice prescription ...Figure 12.3 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the prostate.Figure 12.4 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the prostate.Figure 12.5 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the prostate.Figure 12.6 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the normal male pelvis.Figure 12.7 Axial DWI of the prostate using an EPI acquisition.Figure 12.8 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of the prostate.Figure 12.9 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the scrotum acquired with a s...Figure 12.10 Sagittal section through the female pelvis showing midline stru...Figure 12.11 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image through the female pelvis sh...Figure 12.12 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image demonstrating a large cervic...Figure 12.13 Axial spoiled GRE T1‐weighted fat suppressed (Dixon) image with...
12 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Anterior view of the right shoulder showing bony structures and ...Figure 13.2 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription boundaries for axia...Figure 13.3 Axial localizer of the shoulder showing the angle of the suprasp...Figure 13.4 Axial localizer showing slice prescription boundaries and angula...Figure 13.5 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription boundaries for sagi...Figure 13.6 Coronal/oblique FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the shoulder.Figure 13.7 Coronal/oblique FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image with fat suppression....Figure 13.8 Sagittal/oblique FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image with fat suppression ...Figure 13.9 Coronal/oblique FSE/TSE T1‐weighted MR arthrogram of the shoulde...Figure 13.10 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted MR arthrogram of the shoulder.Figure 13.11 Anterior view of the right humerus.Figure 13.12 Coronal STIR with radial k‐space showing a complete tear of the...Figure 13.13 Coronal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the humerus.Figure 13.14 Axial FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image of the humerus with fat suppres...Figure 13.15 Anterior view of the right elbow showing the bony components.Figure 13.16 Sagittal view of the right elbow showing ligaments on the later...Figure 13.17 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 13.18 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for...Figure 13.19 Coronal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the elbow.Figure 13.20 Coronal FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image of the elbow with fat suppres...Figure 13.21 Sagittal FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image of the elbow with fat suppre...Figure 13.22 Axial FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image of the elbow.Figure 13.23 Anterior view of the right radius and ulna.Figure 13.24 Coronal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the forearm.Figure 13.25 Bony structures of the wrist.Figure 13.26 Axial localizer of the wrist showing slice prescription boundar...Figure 13.27 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription for sagittal imagi...Figure 13.28 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging ...Figure 13.29 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image through the carpal tunnel.Figure 13.30 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image through the carpal tunnel.Figure 13.31 Coronal FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image of the hand with fat suppress...Figure 13.32 Axial FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image of the fingers with fat suppres...
13 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Anterior view of the right hip demonstrating bony components and...Figure 14.2 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription for axial imaging o...Figure 14.3 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription and angulation for ...Figure 14.4 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the right hip with fat supp...Figure 14.5 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the right hip with fat sup...Figure 14.6 Coronal arthrogram of the left hip.Figure 14.7 Anterior view of the right femur.Figure 14.8 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with fat suppression and radi...Figure 14.9 Axial FSE/TSE PD‐weighted image of the femur with fat suppressio...Figure 14.10 Anterior view of the right knee showing joint structures and li...Figure 14.11 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription boundaries and an...Figure 14.12 Axial localizer showing slice prescription boundaries and angul...Figure 14.13 Sagittal rewound GRE T2*‐weighted image of the knee with fat su...Figure 14.14 Coronal STIR of the knee.Figure 14.15 Axial 3D rewound GRE T2* with fat suppression.Figure 14.16 Sagittal spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of a flexed knee during ...Figure 14.17 Anterior view of the right tibia and fibula.Figure 14.18 Coronal STIR with radial k‐space of the tibiae demonstrating a ...Figure 14.19 Axial STIR with radial k‐space of the right tibia demonstrating...Figure 14.20 Sagittal view of the foot ankle showing ligaments on the latera...Figure 14.21 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription boundaries and an...Figure 14.22 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription boundaries and an...Figure 14.23 Sagittal spoiled GRE T1‐weighted image of the ankle.Figure 14.24 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the ankle with fat suppre...Figure 14.25 Coronal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the ankle.Figure 14.26 Coronal localizer showing slice prescription boundaries and ang...Figure 14.27 Sagittal localizer showing slice prescription boundaries and an...Figure 14.28 Sagittal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the foot.Figure 14.29 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the foot with fat suppres...Figure 14.30 Vascular supply to the right leg.Figure 14.31 Venous drainage of the right leg.Figure 14.32 Sequential CE‐MRA of the iliac vessels showing an AVM (first pa...Figure 14.33 Sequential CE‐MRA of the iliac vessels showing an AVM (second p...Figure 14.34 Sequential CE‐MRA of the iliac vessels showing an AVM (third pa...
14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image in a 4‐month‐old child. Polymicr...Figure 15.2 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image demonstrating a double cortex ...Figure 15.3 Axial FLAIR image demonstrating a highly malignant sarcoma.Figure 15.4 3D spoiled GRE reformatted in the axial plane demonstrating tran...Figure 15.5 Axial SW image of the brain demonstrating metastases from a high...Figure 15.6 Coronal T2 FSE/TSE (left) and GRE‐EPI (right) showing subtle ear...Figure 15.7 Axial SE‐EPI demonstrating chronic haemorrhage.Figure 15.8 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image demonstrating mesial temporal ...Figure 15.9 Sagittal (left) and coronal (right) FSE/TSE T1‐weighted images a...Figure 15.10 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted imaging demonstrating a neonatal glio...Figure 15.11 3D TOF‐MRA in a 4‐year‐old child demonstrating normal appearanc...Figure 15.12 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image demonstrating a vein of Gale...Figure 15.13 Sagittal (left) and coronal (right) FSE/TSE T1‐weighted images ...Figure 15.14 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image showing a cyst (arrow) that ...Figure 15.15 Sagittal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted (left) and T2‐weighted with fat su...Figure 15.16 Sagittal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted images post‐contrast enhancement o...Figure 15.17 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image of the cervical spine demons...Figure 15.18 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with fat suppression demonst...Figure 15.19 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted images. Neurofibromatosis lesions a...Figure 15.20 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2 weighted‐image demonstrating a large terato...Figure 15.21 Coronal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image through the ankle joint demon...Figure 15.22 Coronal FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image (top) and rewound GRE T2*‐wei...Figure 15.23 Axial FSE/TSE T1‐weighted image of the knee demonstrating osteo...Figure 15.24 Coronal image FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image showing Ewing’s sarcoma...Figure 15.25 Axial FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with fat suppression demonstrat...Figure 15.26 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image. Same patient as in Figure 15...Figure 15.27 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image demonstrating a large left re...Figure 15.28 Sagittal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image with fat suppression of the ...Figure 15.29 Whole body STIR image.Figure 15.30 Sagittal/oblique balanced GRE T2*‐weighted ciné image through t...Figure 15.31 Short axis phase sensitive delay image.Figure 15.32 3D balanced GRE T2*‐weighted image demonstrating the left coron...Figure 15.33 Coronal FSE/TSE T2‐weighted image showing a foetal lymphatic le...