Читать книгу Come Home, Cowboy - Cathy Mcdavid - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

When the idea for Come Home, Cowboy first came to me, I was hesitant to explore it. In fact, I put the piece of notepaper on which I’d scrawled the basic premise into a file folder where it resided for several years. I convinced myself that a woman who tragically lost her child was too dark of a story line for a romance novel. As a mother myself, I couldn’t imagine how anyone went on, much less fell in love, in the wake of something so horrific.

Eventually, while brainstorming my new Mustang Valley series, I remembered my idea and instantly knew this was the perfect time. Maybe I finally felt ready to tackle such an emotionally layered story and such a deeply wounded character as Cara Alverez. Maybe I felt Josh Dempsey was exactly the kind of man a woman like her needed. Maybe the pieces just simply came together as they sometimes do.

Rather than being sad and depressing, Cara and Josh’s story was, for me, uplifting and inspiring and wonderfully satisfying. Their journey is anything but easy. In the end, however, their struggles prove worthwhile when they finally find their happy ending.

As always, warmest wishes,

Cathy McDavid



Come Home, Cowboy

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