Читать книгу One Day & Another: A Lyrical Eclogue - Cawein Madison Julius - Страница 5



He enters her garden, speaking dreamily:

There is a fading inward of the day,

And all the pansy heaven clasps one star;

The dwindling acres eastward glimmer gray,

While all the world to westward smoulders far.

Now to your glass will you pass for the last time?

Pass! humming some ballad, I know, —

Here where I wait it is late and is past time —

Late! and the moments are slow, are slow.

There is a drawing downward of the night;

The bridegroom Heaven bends down to kiss the moon;

Above, the heights hang silver in her light;

Below, the woods stretch purple, deep in June.

There in the dew is it you hiding lawny?

You, or a moth in the vines? —

You! – by your hand, where the band twinkles tawny!

You! – by your ring, like a glowworm, that shines!

One Day & Another: A Lyrical Eclogue

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