Читать книгу Scraping the Barrel - Cayn White - Страница 6



Thanks for buying/nicking this book, if you’re just stood in the bookshop thumbing through the pages, well, hello to you too.

What you have here is fifteen years’ worth of work, since 2005 I’ve been scribbling poems and performing at various punk rock gigs, poetry nights, festivals and the like and after fifteen years it finally seems time to collect some of them into a book, which you are now holding in your hot little hands.

There’s a good mix of both old and new in this collection, starting with the funnier stuff and moving into the more serious poems, hopefully there is something for everyone. Most of these poems are performance pieces, written to be shouted and screamed at the top of the lungs, give it a try, or even better come to the gigs!

Anyway, thank you for buying this collection, I hope you enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed the past fifteen years of writing and performing them.

See you at the gigs!


Scraping the Barrel

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