Читать книгу Mini Delicious Hong Kong Style Recipes - Cecilia Au-Yang - Страница 6


Chinese Savoury Pancakes

300 g (10 oz) plain flour

¼ teaspoon soda bicarbonate

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon chicken powder

½ teaspoon sugar

600 ml (2½ cups) stock

90 g (¼ cup) ham, diced

60 g (½ cup) carrot, quartered lengthwise, thinly sliced

30 g (¼ cup) dried shrimps, diced

90 g (⅔ cup) green leeks, diced

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon sesame oil

Oil for frying

1 Sift the flour and soda bicarbonate into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre and stir in the salt, chicken powder and sugar. Gradually pour in the stock and make a thick batter.

2 Add the ham, carrot, dried shrimps and leeks to the batter, stir in the pepper and sesame oil and set aside for 30 minutes.

3 Heat a griddle or pan with a little oil. Pour in 2 tablespoons batter to shallow fry on medium high heat till both sides are golden. Remove the pancakes on to a platter and keep warm. Continue the process until the batter is finished. Serve hot.

Serves 4–6

Preparation time: 45 mins

Cooking time: 30 mins

Turnip Pudding

Turnip pudding is made from Chinese turnip, or large daikon radish, which is grated, simmered with dried shrimp, mushrooms and preserved sausage, then steamed to make a cake. It is sliced and fried before serving.

2 kg (4 lb) Chinese turnip (daikon radish), washed, peeled and coarsely grated (reserve all the juices)

60 g (½ cup) dried shrimps, cleaned and soaked for 1 hour until soft, diced

60 g (½ cup) Chinese mushrooms, soaked for 1 hour until soft

3–4 preserved lap cheong (Chinese sausages), washed

2 tablespoons olive oil

¾ tablespoon salt

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon chicken powder

½ teaspoon pepper

300 g (3 cups) plus 3 tablespoons rice flour

3 spring onions, diced

1 Place the grated turnip (and juices) into a large saucepan. Arrange the dried shrimps, mushrooms and lap cheong on top of the shredded turnip, cover and simmer over very low heat for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and burning.

2 Turn off heat. Remove the mushrooms and sausages and, when cool enough to handle, dice. Return to the pan and mix thoroughly. Turn heat on again to low.

3 Add the oil, salt, sugar, chicken powder and pepper to the turnip, then sift in the rice flour. Stir vigorously until well blended.

4 Ladle the mixture into a greased, round metal tin measuring 20 to 24 cm (8 to 9½ in) in diameter. Transfer to a large steamer to cook over high heat for 1 hour, checking after 30 minutes that the water in the steamer has not dried up. Add more boiling water if required.

5 Remove the pudding from the steamer and smooth the top with a greased spatula before sprinkling the diced spring onion on top.

6 Chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then cut into thick slices and shallow fry until both sides are golden brown. Serve hot.

If you do not obtain enough juice from the grated turnip, add a little water when needed to prevent the turnip from sticking to the pan and burning.

Serves 6–8

Preparation time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 2 hours

Sweet Corn and Tofu Chowder

1 tablespoon oil

1 teaspoon rice wine

1 litre (4 cups) vegetable or chicken stock (from fresh stock or stock cubes)

½ small carrot, diced

6 straw mushrooms, diced

6 fresh shiitake or Chinese mushrooms, diced

300 g (10 oz) soft tofu, diced

200 g (1 cup) fresh or frozen sweet corn

2 tablespoons green peas

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons cornflour dissolved in 2 tablespoons stock or water

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon sesame oil

1 Heat the oil in a wok or saucepan, then add the rice wine and let it sizzle before pouring in the chicken or vegetable stock. Bring to the boil.

2 Add the carrot and mushrooms and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the diced tofu and sweet corn, simmer another 5 minutes, then add the green peas and salt.

3 Add the cornflour mixture and stir until the soup thickens to the consistency of chowder. Add the pepper and sesame oil and serve hot.

Serves 2–4

Preparation time: 20 mins

Cooking time: 20 mins

Chicken and Ginseng Soup

½ chicken, about 450 g (1 lb), skin and fat discarded

Mini Delicious Hong Kong Style Recipes

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