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Table of Contents

[35] Einstein, Italian Renaissance in England, p. 103.

[36] Guide des Chemins d'Angleterre, Preface.

[37] Jusserand, Shakespeare en France, p. 97.

[38] Mémoires et observations faites par un voyageur en Angleterre, 1698.

[39] Adv. and Ref. of Mod. Poetry, Ep. dedic.

[40] Bibliothèque choisie, xxviii., Preface.

[41] "Monsr Boyd … has forgott, I believe, most of his English."—Original Letters of Locke, etc., p. 229.

[42] Description of Britain, bk. i. (1577).

[43] Jusserand, Histoire littéraire du peuple anglais, i. p. 149 n.

[44] Pantagruel, iii. ch. xlvii.

[45] L'honnête homme ou l'art de plaire à la cour.

[46] D'Estrades should be excepted. He knew English, so he was sent to the Hague.

[47] French Ambassador at the Court of Charles II.

[48] See Chap. III.

[49] Reyher, Masques, p. 81 sq.

[50] Ibid. p. 79.

[51] See Anglia, xxxii.

[52] Mémoires de Mlle. de Montpensier, i. pp. 126, 211.

[53] Jusserand, French Ambassador, p. 203.

[54] Procès de Charles I., traduit de l'anglois, par le Sieur de Marsys, interprète et maistre pour la langue françoise du Roy d'Angleterre.

[55] Angliæ Notitia, p. 154.

[56] History of England, ch. vi.

[57] Cardinal Mazarin employed many secret agents under the Protectorate; he spoke of them as "double-dealing minds, whom no one can trust" (Correspondence, 25th April 1656).

[58] Lettres, mémoires et instructions de Colbert, vii. p. 372.

[59] Savile, Correspondence, p. 112.

[60] A. Villien, L'abbé Renaudot, p. 56.

[61] Madame de la Fayette, Histoire de Madame Henriette d'Angleterre, p. 182.

[62] Ibid. p. 205.

[63] See for details Sir Sidney Lee, French Renaissance.

[64] Life of Waller.

[65] Lettres sur les François et les Anglois, p. 10.

[66] State Papers, Dom., 1667–1668, p. 604.

[67] Lettres choisies, ii. p. 737.

[68] Essai sur l'Entendement (2nd ed.), Avis by Coste.

[69] Clarke and Foxcroft, Life of Burnet, pp. 361–62.

[70] The French Littleton, 1566; The French Schoole-Maister, 1573; A Dictionarie, 1584, etc.

[71] The French Grammar, 1578.

[72] The French Garden, 1605.

[73] A French Grammar and Syntax, 1634.

[74] A Sure Guide to the French Tongue, 1635.

[75] French Grammar, 1662.

[76] Dictionary, 1677.

[77] Nouvelle Grammaire Angloise, 1678.

[78] A New French Grammar, 1675.

[79] Relation d'un voyage, pp. 20, 169 (1664).

[80] See Chap. VII.

[81] Bochart, Lettre à M. Morley, p. 7.

[82] Journal de Henri IV., i. p. 354.

[83] See Chap. VIII.

[84] Nouvelles ordinaires de Londres, p. 1550.

[85] Ibid. p. 956.

[86] French Grammar, p. 288.

[87] Diary, 8th July 1686.

[88] See the letters of De la Motte and De Luzancy, printed in Chap. III.

[89] See Chap. IX.

[90] Saint-Evremond, Works, x. xxiii.

[91] New State of England, ii. p. 15.

[92] Journal de Henri IV., p. 526.

[93] Reprinted by Dr. Brotanek, Halle, 1905.

[94] E. Gordon Duff, English Provincial Printers, p. 58.

[95] Beaumont and Fletcher, Women Pleased, Act iv. Sc. 3.

[96] See Chap. III.

[97] Gildersleeve, Government Regulations of the Elizabethan Drama, p. 70.

[98] Poems on State Affairs, ii. p. 152.

[99] Butler, Pindarick Ode to the Happy Memory of the most renowned Du Val.

[100] Chap. III.

The Anglo-French Entente in the Seventeenth Century

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