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The editor would like to thank and acknowledge Jane Windsor-Marowitz for her generous supply of documents and permissions, Valerie Lange at Ibidem Press, Holly O’Neill at Cambridge University Press, Professor Maria Shevtsova at Goldsmiths College, London and Editor of New Theatre Quarterly, and Rainbow Underhill for her generous graphic design assistance. ‘Notes on the Theatre of Cruelty’ was first printed in the Tulane Drama Review, Volume 11, No. 2, Winter 1966, pp 152-172, reprinted courtesy of TDR: The Drama Review and The MIT Press. ‘Picasso’s Four Little Girls’ by Charles Marowitz, was first printed in TDR, Volume 16, No. 2, June 1972, pp 32-47, reprinted courtesy of TDR: The Drama Review and The MIT Press. ‘The Marowitz Hamlet’ with Introduction was first printed by Allen Lane/The Penguin Press in 1968. Penguin was contacted regarding permissions and responded that we should contact the rights holder (Jane Windsor-Marowitz). Marion Boyars which reprinted ‘The Marowitz Hamlet’ in 1978 and 1990 with a different Introduction was also contacted several months in advance of this publication but never responded. ‘Marowitz Remembered’ by Thelma Holt was first printed in the New Theatre Quarterly, 30(3), 2014, pp 206-207, reprinted courtesy of Cambridge University Press. ‘Artaud at Rodez’ by Charles Marowitz was first printed in Theatre Quarterly, Volume II, No. 6, April-June 1972.

The Marowitz Compendium

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