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ОглавлениеAA. SS. = Acta Sanctorum, the great Bollandist Collection.
Ang. Sac. = Anglia Sacra, ed. Wharton.
Ann. Camb. = Annales Cambriae, M. H. B.; R. S.; and (more correctly) in Y Cymmrodor, vol. ix.
Ann. Wint. = Annales Wintonienses, R. S.
Asser. The edition in M. H. B. has been chiefly used, the pages of Wise’s edition being given in brackets; a new edition by Mr. W. H. Stevenson is expected shortly.
Bede. For the Latin Text of the Hist. Eccl. my own edition is referred to; for the Anglo-Saxon Translation Miller’s edition, E. E. T. S., is generally referred to, though Schipper’s edition, Bibliothek d. angelsächsischen Prosa, is occasionally cited.
Birch = Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum.
‘Blostman’ or ‘Blooms’ = Alfred’s translation of the Soliloquies of St. Augustine; for editions see pp. 128, 194.
Boethius, Alfred’s translation of, ed. Sedgefield, with Modern English rendering by the same; both at the Clarendon Press.
Bromton = Chronicon Johannis Bromton in vol. i of Twysden’s Decem Scriptores.
Brut = Brut y Tywysogion, M. H. B.; R. S.; also ed. J. Gwenogfryn Evans in vol. ii of the Red Book of Hergest.
Capgrave = Capgrave’s Chronicle of England, ed. Hingeston, R. S.
C. E., see Green.
Chron., see Sax. Chron.
Cura Pastoralis = Pope Gregory’s treatise on the Pastoral Care; Alfred’s translation, ed. Sweet, E. E. T. S.
Dict. Christ. Biog. = Dictionary of Christian Biography.
Dict. Nat. Biog. = Dictionary of National Biography.
Ducange = Ducange, Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis, 4to, 1884-7.
E. E. T. S. = Early English Text Society.
E. H. S. = English Historical Society.
Essays. For the work quoted by this title, see p. 6 note.
E. T. = English Translation.
Ethelw. = Ethelwerdi Chronica, ed. M. H. B.
Flor. = Florence of Worcester, ed. Thorpe, E. H. S.; also in M. H. B.
Gaimar = Lestorie des Engles solum Geffrei Gaimar, ed. Martin, 2 vols., R. S.; also in M. H. B.
G. P. = William of Malmesbury, Gesta Pontificum, ed. Hamilton, R. S.
G. R. = Gesta Regum, see W. M.
Green, C. E. = J. R. Green, The Conquest of England.
H. E. = Historia Ecclesiastica, see Bede.
H. H. = Henry of Huntingdon, ed. T. Arnold, R. S.
Ingulf = Ingulfi Historia Croylandensis, in Fulman’s Scriptores, vol. i.
K. C. D. = Kemble, Codex Diplomaticus Aeui Saxonici, 6 vols., E. H. S.
Laȝamon = Laȝamon’s Brut, ed. Sir F. Madden, 3 vols., 1847.
Lib. de Hyda = Liber Monasterii de Hyda, ed. Edwards, R. S.
M. H. B. = Monumenta Historica Britannica, vol. i (all published).
Migne, Pat. Lat. = Migne, Patrologia Latina.
Muratori = Muratori, Scriptores Rerum Italicarum.
Orosius, Alfred’s Translation of, ed. Sweet, E. E. T. S.
Pertz = Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, folio series.
R. S. = Rolls Series.
R. W. = Roger of Wendover, ed. Coxe, E. H. S.
Sax. Chron. = Saxon Chronicle; except where otherwise indicated, my own edition is referred to.
S. C. H. = Stubbs’ Constitutional History, cabinet edition, 3 vols., 1874-8.
Schmid, Gesetze = Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, von Dr. Reinhold Schmid, 1858.
S. D. = Simeon of Durham, ed. T. Arnold, R. S. (For the meaning of the symbols S. D.¹ and S. D.², see p. 32 note.)
Soliloquies, see Blostman.
Thorn = Chronica Gul. Thorn, in Twysden, Decem Scriptores.
W. M. = William of Malmesbury; except where otherwise stated the Gesta Regum is meant; ed. Stubbs, R. S.
Wülker, Grundriss = Grundriss der angelsächsischen Literatur, von R. Wülker, 1885.