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John 20:23


March 23

Sin Bearer

Jesus is the great sin bearer who in his own body took to himself the sin and suffering of the world. Such a task is beyond us. But we can carry the burdens of another person.

There are burdens a person should bring only to the foot of the cross. Only Christ can take up these burdens, concerns, failures, and sins. And in the very act of laying these things down there can be release and forgiveness. The great exchange Martin Luther so often wrote about can take place. God takes our sin, but gives us his forgiveness.

But there are some burdens one may take up on another person’s behalf. It is possible to believe for another when his or her faith wavers. It is possible to intercede for another when her or his prayer life is all but abandoned. It is appropriate to comfort when the other is grief stricken. It is possible to be there for another.

St. Catherine of Siena used to say to sinners who came to her, “Have no fear, I will take the burden of your sins.”82

This does not mean she saw herself in the place of Jesus the Savior. Rather, it was that the person coming for help could not see the Savior’s forgiveness and embrace. St. Catherine then in faith, prayer, and suffering “carried” that person to Jesus.

This is the power of intercessory prayer. It is the power of radical identification. It is being willing to stand in another person’s place.


Lord, help me and give me the grace to be there for others, and to carry others to you. Amen.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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