Читать книгу Hear the Ancient Wisdom - Charles Ringma - Страница 93

Luke 12:31


March 25

The Seeking Heart

Living the Christian life is receiving the grace of God in Christ. It is living a life of faith, discipleship, and service. It is participating in the Christian church and it is living in the hope of a new heaven and a new earth. But it also has to do with the seeking heart.

In the modern world it does not take much for us to become bored and disinterested. This can be in our love life, our jobs, our interests, our

relationships, and even in our life of faith.

At this point in the twenty-first century there are many Christians, in the West at least, who are quite bored with the church, hardly ever read Scripture, and have no interest in theological reflection. They are only

interested in God being the magical extra in their lives.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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