Читать книгу Little Ship of Fools - Charles Wilkins L. - Страница 4


Copyright © 2013 by Charles Wilkins

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher or a license from The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright). For a copyright license, visit www.accesscopyright.ca or call toll free to 1-800-893-5777.

Greystone Books

343 Railway Street, Suite 201

Vancouver BC V6A 1A4


Cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada

ISBN 978-1-55365-878-8 (pbk.)

ISBN 978-1-55365-879-5 (ebook)

Editing by Lucy Kenward

Copyediting by Peter Norman

Cover design by Peter Cocking and Jessica Sullivan

Cover photographs (top) courtesy of Charles Wilkins and (bottom) iStockphoto.com

Interior photographs courtesy of Charles Wilkins

Map by Eric Leinberger

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, the Province of British Columbia through the Book Publishing Tax Credit, and the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund for our publishing activities.

Little Ship of Fools

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