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The double-Earth type’s deepest, darkest fear is chaos and the loss of control. The unconventional and deviant are seen as threatening, or even evil. The intangible, unseen realm of spiritual meaning and purpose tends to elude him or only peeps into his life via the classic superstition and the odd psychic apparition. A strongly traditional and too-rigid adherence to concrete reality can create an increasingly hollow treadmill and enslavement to the physical – which the earthy type with dread has to admit only ends in death. What then?

The double-Earth type often needs to develop his imagination, his trust in new possibilities, and to accept that his need for spiritual sustenance need not threaten his physical security and his need to be in control, as far as possible, of his life and circumstances. To entertain the idea that there may be a realm in which quantitative measurement does not apply – the realm of meaning and spiritual purpose – can only release him from the risk of stagnant imprisonment in the fleshly cage.

Sun Sign, Moon Sign: Discover the personality secrets of the 144 sun-moon combinations

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