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Air – Air Combinations (See nos. 27, 31, 35, 75, 79, 83, 123, 127, 131)


Intelligent, gracious ladies and thoughtful gentlemen, double-Air types are the most reasonable, civilized, clear-headed of combinations. They are probably the most cultured and elegant as well, never at a loss for a word or comment, always ready for discussion and reasoned argument and debate. Being told this will not go to their head for they are not normally prone to self-importance – that would be far too illogical for their poised and intelligent approach to life.

The double-Air type assumes independence as his birthright. To be able to move and connect with ideas and people is the stuff of life for him. Witty, cerebral, urbane and polite, the double-Air type is a natural communicator and thinker who prefers to soar in the ideal realm where he can build social, political or philosophical schemes that help improve humankind’s lot.

A thinker par excellence, the double-Air type finds security in taking the broad intelligent viewpoint, in stepping back in order to see the patterns and principles at work in the whirlwind of life’s activities. He is an observer and theorizer of life, and his faith in the power of ideas is well exhibited by the British economist John Maynard Keynes (Sun Gemini, Moon Gemini) who said:

The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else.

This detached, observant mode is useful but it often earns this type the accusation of being cold and unfeeling. Although others may experience double Air in this way, the strongly airy individual insists, often at considerable length, that he is only doing what comes naturally – questioning, examining and remaining open, fair-minded, friendly and harmonious, and above all communicating with whoever will listen and discuss.

Sun Sign, Moon Sign: Discover the personality secrets of the 144 sun-moon combinations

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