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Every laugh you laugh is an illness you don’t get. My special thanks go to these guys, whose humor cheated innumerable doctors out of my money.

Roll Call:

Pat Cook, Dennis O’Brien, Paul Patrick, Bill Hoffmann, Charles Lachman, Bill Barrett, Phil Tangel, Kimmy Gorden, Matt Meagher, Matt DeNinno, Rob Nieto, Chris Dukas, Jimmy Malhame, Mike Pearl, Michael Shain, David Ng, Leo Standora, Arty Pomerantz, Don Halasy, Sean Delonas, Phil Spellane, Gordon Mitchell, Phil Parrish, Brian (“Dog”) Kramer, James Bohrsmann, Frank O’Mahony, Kevin O’Mahony, John Chigounis, Anthony Chigounis, Al Canaletich, Bill Kelly, Randy Glick, Gary Goldstein, Malcolm Pink, Simon (“Dr. Fellenstein”) Fell, Derek DeBowski and Darren Stewart.

Also: Tony Carillo, my father; Sal Carillo, my uncle; and Rafael Richardson-Carillo, my son. I guess it’s in the blood.

And a farewell salute to Brian Walls and Michael Norcia, both gone long before their time, both so damn funny they made me double over with laughter. By the time I straightened up, my troubles didn’t seem nearly as bad.

One Hit Wonder

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