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day 23 you make A DIFFERENCE


YES, YOU DO. The good things you do for others don’t go unseen.

Take heart, dear friend.

Everyone is born with a job to do and a space to fill. Your contribution is vital, whether it’s at home, work, or wherever you’ve been planted. The space you fill and the lives you touch wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t here living out your purpose.

You may not be breaking records or ending world poverty, but your day-to-day life impacts others. The building blocks of change are kind words to strangers and phone calls to friends in need. It starts with you. What you do matters.

Some days you’ll feel as though nothing you do makes a difference. That idea couldn’t be further from the truth.

The good you do will come back to you. Give generously of yourself to those people in your life that you’ve been joined to.

Keep a “giving goals” journal. Make note of some special ways you would like to increase your impact.

Girl Be Brave

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