Читать книгу Girl Be Brave - Cheryl Hale - Страница 43

day 21 speak up


We’ve all been there, wanting to speak up and share our ideas, but instead we shrink back. Out of fear, we silence ourselves without a second thought. The problem is that our voices and thoughts deserve to be heard. They have value.

What are we afraid of? We worry about being judged or being liked. We all want the approval of others. There is no shame in that. It’s in our DNA to want to stay connected to the group.

This fear isn’t irrational. Most of us can remember a time when we were rejected or criticized for voicing our opinion. For some reason, that type of rejection seems to stick around, training us over and over again to maintain the status quo. Nobody wants to live through that again, so we play it safe and keep quiet.

We have no control over what other people think about us, not really. People will think what they want, but you can’t let that silence you. Have the confidence to speak up. Don’t let fear keep you from using your voice.

Girl Be Brave

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