Читать книгу Girl Be Brave - Cheryl Hale - Страница 36

day 16 YOUR OWN KIND OF feminine



The sheer volume of “beauty standards” these days is enough to make one’s head spin. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good beauty product, but there’s more to beauty than what we are being fed by the media.

Everywhere we look, we are bombarded with digitally enhanced versions of what it means to be a woman. Femininity has come to mean a certain ideal set by companies selling their product line. The products stoke our insecurities, then offer their help. What, your thighs don’t look like this model’s on the cover of the magazine? We’ve got a cream for that. That’ll be $200, please.

I’m here to tell you that you get to be the creator of your own femininity. Want blue hair? Go for it. Want to wear all black for the rest of your life? I’m for you.

Who you are on the inside is what femininity is truly about—not your weight, your clothes, or your hair. You ARE feminine, and you have the chance to express it in whatever way you want.

That digitized image cannot compete with the uniquely feminine you. Not even close.

Girl Be Brave

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