Читать книгу Girl Be Brave - Cheryl Hale - Страница 22



One major quality that I have found among those living their lives with purpose is resilience. Resilience is being able to get back up after being knocked down. Those with resilience can recover quickly. It’s all in the rebound.

You don’t have to be born with resilience; it’s a skill you can develop.

I work toward being more resilient in my own life. I’ve found that after a major setback or failure, where I focus my thoughts has a lot to do with how quickly I recover.

It’s natural to take a moment to reflect on where things went wrong or what went right, but don’t live there. If you want to develop resilience, shift your focus back to your goal. Get back to your purpose, to the why. The why is what really matters. Focusing on your purpose is what will keep you motivated to get back up and begin again.

Girl Be Brave

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