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day 18 DESIGN YOUR LIFE for purpose


You’re capable of creating the life you truly want, a life where you can’t wait to get up in the morning just so you can keep taking it all in. Are you unhappy in some area of your life? Then jump in and redesign it. Put yourself on the path of your purpose. Take charge and take action.

Envision what it is you want your life to be like. Keep that vision close to you, and think on it daily. Imagine it. Don’t hold back. I give you permission to daydream. You need to be able to see it.

Then get inspired. Do what creates joy, what inspires you. You want to feel it. We often neglect doing what makes us feel good. When you feel inspired, you’re motivated to make decisions that create a more passionate, purposeful life.

Decide to become an active participant in the process of living life by your own design. If you don’t, the world will fill your life with what it considers important. Be the boss. DON’T LET ANYONE ELSE DESIGN YOUR LIFE FOR YOU.

Girl Be Brave

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