Читать книгу Girl Be Brave - Cheryl Hale - Страница 31



There is power in living a life of excellence. Not under the pressure of perfection but in the pursuit of excellence. “Doing your best” seems to be a dying concept these days. The truth is, as adults, we know not everyone gets a trophy, and excellence is required to succeed.

Whatever your goal or dream, it requires that you do your very best to achieve it. Dream chasing is not for the halfhearted. It requires epic proportions of diligence and tenacity. You must bring your best self to the table.

Pursuing excellence simply means you are working hard at doing your best. I’m not advocating killing yourself for your job or dream. Long-term exhaustion isn’t productive. I do believe that the earth and the people in it respond positively to those folks who are sincerely doing their best.

I firmly believe that being your truest, most authentic self is a high and moral calling, but unearthing that higher self requires intention and work.

Pursue excellence in your self-care, your relationships, and your work. When you’re genuinely trying to do your best, you’re expanding what your best can be. It grows with you.

Girl Be Brave

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