Читать книгу Girl Be Brave - Cheryl Hale - Страница 32

day 15 RISK


Be daring, be brave. Rise above the chatter, and live your life with purpose and passion. Go beyond what most would consider normal. Pursue the extraordinary.

Give yourself permission to chase your dreams in a daring way. Be audacious. There is always risk in growth. No one has ever accomplished anything great by playing it safe.

Risk taking is not your enemy, but living your life in the safety zone is. The worst that can happen is your risk not working out. Second worst thing: other people will see it. Neither of these will kill you. I’m living proof.

You may take one hundred risks with ninety-nine failures, but that’s not a good enough reason not to live a daring life. There’s too much at stake. Your purpose and your impact on others’ lives are worth the risk.

So now that you know you won’t die from failure, go ahead and pursue your dreams with tenacity.

Girl Be Brave

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